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Birth (again) of a pointless app

Published January 29, 2007
There's something I've been trying to get around to doing for quite a while now - long enough that the time span is now measured in years and I can't quite remember the chain of events that got me to my current situation.

Specifically, I want to get around to revitalizing the Tiny KeyCounter project, with the long-promised and never-delivered version 2.0. As I've been saying for ages now, the v2.0 relaunch will basically completely rebuild the service.

At this point I'm no longer interested in doing the forensics to recover the version 1 statistics/user database. After this long, so much of that data is guaranteed to be stale that it just isn't worth it. I also think it's best to start the stats with a clean slate, with a slightly new take on the whole thing. I never really did like the "competition" atmosphere that the old site encouraged, so I'm thinking up new ways to make it just plain fun and not so much of a pissing contest.

I'll be honest - my delay up until now has been pure procrastination. But enough people pitched in donations to afford me a new hard drive for the site server, so I feel somewhat indebted, and I really do want to get this thing live again. However, I have three excuses which have fuelled my laziness up until now: first of all, I haven't come up with the new focus or site design yet; secondly, I really want to do the security "right" this time, and as yet haven't come up with a design I'm happy with; and finally, I've started and finished about 80% of the relaunch about 6 times now - and have, every single time, managed to lose the source code. I honestly have no idea how that happens, since I still have bits of QBasic code of mine that are almost 15 years old.

So I'm on Restart of Code Number Four Million, and so far it's displaying a little window on the screen. Huzzah.
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Perhaps you should try something different for this app; I want to write a stats-counter for my keystrokes and mouse movements in OS X but I am so lazy.

So very, very lazy.
January 29, 2007 10:07 PM
To reiterate an offer I've made for years to many Mac users: buy me a Mac, and I'll port the software.
January 30, 2007 08:31 AM
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