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Steal these games!

Published June 07, 2007
Awright, I have a couple of old projects written under contract. I have the rights to 'em, but they really aren't compelling enough unto themselves to sell or do anything with other than give 'em away, so that's exactly what I'm gonna do. Just to test, I slapped a Mochiad into each of 'em, and I have 'em up on my site with the hopes that they'll be passed around far and wide. I've already uploaded 'em to a couple of those obnoxious "two million Flash games culled from all over the internet, some with permission but most not" pages with the hopes that they'll start appearing on sites. From what I've read on the Mochiad forums, once your game is in the wild it'll head off to dozens of places without your permission. And this is looking like the case. One is already on seven hosts after two days in the wild. We'll see if they grow or just fade away.

Here are the two games. Feel free to slap 'em on your webpage or blog.




I have the little "embed" code at the bottom of each page so you can put 'em on your page easily. If you're really anal about serving every durned file yourself, you could copy the SWF file into your own server-space by right-clicking and save-as-ing here and here, but there are a couple of reasons why it's better to just keep the game remote. . .

1. If I find a bug and update the game, you'll have the updated version automatically.

2. Someone else is footing the bill for the bandwidth.

So it's your choice.

One thing I did add on the advice of Shelly is a "start muted" mode because she wanted to add my games to her blog, but she didn't like how they made her blog noisy. If you look in that little "embed" code on each page, you'll see a little "mute=off" code. If you change that to "mute=on", then the game will start up muted and your blog won't play blaring arcade-music every time someone reads it.

Also you might note from Shelly's blog is that she resized the games. Both games are in an 11/8 Width/Height ratio, so if you need to make the game small for narrow blogs (like hers), it's doable.

So if you don't mind, please embeddamitize a game or two on your page or blog and let me know how it works. I tried to keep the amount of HTML to a minimum, so it's just a single EMBED. I just tested it on the latest IE, FF, Opera, and Safari and it worked fine on all of 'em.

Unfortunately it appears that the only blog where you can't embeddamatize a game is gamedev, as they filter the HTML before putting it up. You can, however, put it on your gamedev web-space if you have that.

Anyway, give 'em a try and if you have a problem lemme know. If it works out I'll probably put up a couple more gamelets for embedding.

Oh, and I also gotta recommend Mochibot. It's a server that gathers stats on Flash games. Basically you have an account where you set up your games. Upon setting up a game you're given a little piece of Flash code that you copy into your game. When your game runs, that piece of code calls the Mochibot server and it gets logged.

That way you can watch your traffic and see who's hosting your SWF file, which is useful if you're trying to control your game's distribution or (in my case) you just wanna see if your game can propagate faster than Half Life source code :)
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I loaded up Olive War! via your link and everything loaded in fine, but the controls didn't seem to work. Space bar and arrow keys right?

Running Vista 32-bit, Flash 9, Firefox

Could just be my machine setup, but thought it worth mentioning.


Did some more testing and it works fine in IE and it works in FF if I download the SWF. It is only when I try and play it on thecodezone that the keyboard keys don't work.
June 07, 2007 03:28 PM
Quote: Original post by ukdm
I loaded up Olive War! via your link and everything loaded in fine, but the controls didn't seem to work. Space bar and arrow keys right?

Running Vista 32-bit, Flash 9, Firefox

Could just be my machine setup, but thought it worth mentioning.


Did some more testing and it works fine in IE and it works in FF if I download the SWF. It is only when I try and play it on thecodezone that the keyboard keys don't work.

I have Win XP and Firefox and got the same problem.
June 07, 2007 09:37 PM
Hmm, that's weird. I'm running FF 2.04 here, and I can play the game in Shelly's blog without any problem (see the the original entry for the URL), and that's just using the vanilla embed code.

Anyone else seeing this (i.e. no keyboard control)?

Only other thing I can think is that it's the Flash player version. If you see this behavior, would you mind right-clicking on the game and telling me what version of Flash player you're using?

Also, tell me if you are using any ad-block plugins in FF. It's possible that ad-block plugins think this is an ad.
June 08, 2007 06:45 AM
I'm having the same problem. Can't move the olive.

I use NoScript in Firefox but enabled all scripts for your site. My fplayer is v9.

It works fine if I use the IE tab.
June 08, 2007 09:06 AM
Same problem with FF on XP. Flash 9,0,45,0
June 08, 2007 09:45 AM
Well then, let's try this the old-fashioned way with object & embed tags both. I really didn't wanna do that because it's really long and fugly and forces you to do everything twice, but if it solves the problem then it might be worth it.

Try this. . .

<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0" WIDTH="550" HEIGHT="400" id="OliveWar"><PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="http://games.mochiads.com/c/g/olive-war/olivewars.swf?mute=off"><EMBED src="http://games.mochiads.com/c/g/olive-war/olivewars.swf?mute=off" WIDTH="550" HEIGHT="400" NAME="Olive War" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"></EMBED></OBJECT>
June 08, 2007 10:08 AM
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