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Finding Style

posted in A Keyboard and the Truth for project 96 Mill
Published October 26, 2005
First, a note:

The working title for 'Game2' is now offically

The Golden Caldera

Still Undecided =/

EDIT: Apparently noone likes this name, so we are gonna think of another.

Golden: having the deep slightly brownish color of gold; "long aureate (or golden) hair"; "a gold carpet"
Caldera: a large depression at the top of a volcano, caused by collapse or explosion.

A large complaint from many critics of Morning's Wrath, is that it's art tried to be a bit too real, I would have to agree, the use of photorealistic textures and very realistic character models aided in this. While this was good in some ways it didin't have much of an 'artsy' feel to it, wherein some games 'such as the lucas arts adventure games' have more 'character' to them, I am working to develop a slightly different art style for TGC(The Golden Caldera).

Here is an example of what I think we are going to go with, perhaps some particulars such as different lighting and a definte 'theme' set of colors will be used.

Straight off the renderer

posterized to give a 'hand shaded effect'

posterized and stroked (inked)

just inked (retains shaded detail

what do you think?
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Caldera = fourth rate software company.

Frankly, the renders all look pretty-much the same.
October 26, 2005 09:47 AM
Not trying hard enough AGAIN? What is that supposed to mean?

If that is meant as an insult you should post under your real name so I at least know who threw the stone.

Anyhow I did mention is was a working title did I not? I will admit I am not totaly in love with the name, but anyone who has ever tried to name somthing will surely realize that naming somthing is very hard.
October 26, 2005 10:44 AM
Hard to say without any context but I like the inked shaded render. Of course it depends on how well the other art integrates with this style but I'm optimistic.

The name, well, don't you think there might be something more concise? In any case, good luck with your project!
October 26, 2005 10:45 AM
I would agree, I think I like the last one best.

Yeah, I am trying to think of a better name, it is hard to explain a lot in a few words, and to use words that most people know (I have found a bunch of people who dont know what a caldera is), AND have it not be taken by another game, etc.

I will think about it over lunch, thanks for the constructive criticisim =)
October 26, 2005 10:50 AM
Looks a lil MI3 to me.
October 26, 2005 11:30 AM
Quote: You're trying too hard with the name. Either that or you're not trying hard enough... again.

Not that I agree with this methodology, but I do agree that (In my opinion) the name Morning's Wrath lacked a certain polish, or punch as it were. The name Morning creates an almost 'hippie feel' anachronism which doesn't sit well with Wrath of any kind. Take that as you will but that's just the impression I get from those two words. The Golden Caldera sounds more thoughtful, but like jonhattan said it made me think of crappy software. Sounds more like the name of a place IN the game, rather than the title.

Edit: I'd also agree that it'd be better to see the art in context. Depending on the background the stroke might give it a 'slapped on' look.
October 26, 2005 11:58 AM
Depending on how the floor on which this is standing on is styled/rendered, i might would have to change my decission, but just from the different styles of the 4 signs you shown us, i would prefer the 1. and 4. style.
October 26, 2005 12:02 PM

'looks like Monkey Island 3'

Indeed, I am trying to achive a similar style from 3D pre-renderd graphics, so far I think we can do it.

The story is also a combination of slapstick/serious, wherein Morning's Wrath, was pretty much serious as a rule.

Okay, so it seems we have two ends of a spectrum as far as naming.

one end: a single word that is meant to sum up the entire game but doesn't

other end: a near-sentance-length title that noone would ever be able to recite without feeling stupid, but explains the game perfectly.


Syberia - doesnt tell me anything about the game, other than relating it to siberia which is apparently cold.

Indiana Jones and the fate of atlantis - A big mouthful, but explains the game pretty well.

The Secret of Monkey Island - pretty much says nothing about the game, other than there will apparently be a secret, monkeys and an island.

I think i will limit myself to 5 words, and create a good 5 word title.
October 26, 2005 12:14 PM
You could go about it the FEAR way. Pick a word ...


Now, anagramize it

Very Orange Lava Cave And Ninjas. Oooooh.

October 26, 2005 12:17 PM
I think i will limit myself to 5 words, and create a good 5 word title.

You don't have to commit to a 5 word format, but striving to evoke the atmosphere in the title might be helpful.

Day of the Tentacle
Sam & Max Hit The Road
Leisure Suit Larry
Grim Fandango
Toejam and Earl
The Secret of Monkey Island
Conker's Bad Fur Day

All of those titles are light, playful or humorous in some sense.
October 26, 2005 12:28 PM
Remember, it doesn't necessarily have to be elitely serious and moody to be good. As Schmedly said, light and humorous works quite well.

I'm not the master of naming games (Remember, my game *IS* called Lazteroids ...), but I agree that the 'working title' needs an overhaul. And, really, you needn't concern yourself with naming it right away. Call it "Project 2" for now. A name will work itself out as you get further along and get more of the game and story played out.
October 26, 2005 12:36 PM
The plan for this game is to have it start out light and ramp in seriousness as you progress, climaxing to pretty serious, and then ending with a ramp back down quickly to not so serious, rather, a 'good resolution'.

My worry about not coming up with a solid name now, is that it is hard to reference a project as Project 2, and If I dont pick the final name now, people are likely to get confused.

Which means I can't do too much talking about it until the story is done and ive thought of the final name.

One thing I should mention is, all of the names listed dont seem to mean much of anything, until 'AFTER' you have played the game, so I wonder if this is a similar effect with noone liking The Golden Caldera, (the two parts I dont like is 'golden' is overused and 'caldera' is apparently a word few know, and when they do, it is associated with bad software?)

but perhaps if you knew the premise of the story it would make more sense. I will need to consider all this =/
October 26, 2005 01:14 PM
Quote: Leisure Suit Larry

You're playing a guy names Larry. He's wearing a Leisure Suit.

Quote: Toejam and Earl

You're playing as two aliens named Toejam and Earl

Quote: The Secret of Monkey Island

You're on Monkey Island. There's some secret there.

Quote: Conker's Bad Fur Day

You're a guy named Conker and having a bad day.

None of these titles are titles that are explained AFTER you've played the game. This is all pretty obvious stuff that is described on the box text or in the intro of the game.

People will not get confused if you refer to your project as "The game I'm working on" or "My current game"
October 26, 2005 02:05 PM
Personally I like names that are one word.


The name doesn't say anything about the game its self, but thats what the box art or webpage is for. The bonus of having a one word title is that people aren't going to shorten it and its very easy to remember.

When I say shorted I mean how the second time you mentioned "The Golden Caldera" you put TGC, if your already shortening the title the second time its mentioned then people can't learn the name.

Games with multi word titles that work might be expansions or sequeals

Zelda - Every game in the series expains on the name but the general title could be refered to as Zelda

a 5 word title is always going to be shorted to 5 letters you can't stop that.
October 26, 2005 04:10 PM
Trapper Zoid
Not sure if you're going to check down this far...

I always find it difficult to come up with a good title for anything. But I also need to pick a label for things for me to refer to the project, otherwise things get too confusing. So these days I label everything I do with a title along the lines of "Project X" (with X being vaguely relevant to the content) until I find a proper title (example: my present project, "Project Nova").

As for real titles, I think adventure games can often work with a short title but with a longer subtitle attached, such as "Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders" (which can be shortened to just "Zak McKracken" or simply "Zak").
October 26, 2005 06:19 PM
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