

Started by June 18, 2002 03:30 PM
3 comments, last by BradDaBug 22 years, 2 months ago
I''m not sure if this goes here but I figured it was the best place. I basically used a font tool that prints out a font onto a bitmap, then you just use the bitmap as your font in the game. But what about copyrights? Aren''t most fonts copyrighted? How do I find out who made a font? I think the font I''m using is Arial. Who made Arial? Microsoft (please God no!)? What about making my own fonts? How do I do that?
I like the DARK layout!
Yes, I did a similar thing with my game. I have been using a font made by a company called ITC. I just sent them an email to ask about how the license covers this.

If you''re using common fonts like Arial or Times New Roman, you can generate textures at runtime.
---visit #directxdev on afternet <- not just for directx, despite the name
I got an email back from the font company guy. First he attached a NDA (non-disclosure agreement) to sign, and said that I''d have to buy a distribution license for the font. As an example, he said without an NDA the minimum fee for this license would be $2000 US, which would cover a few thousand copies or something. Finally, because I made a bitmapped version, he said that his company would have to examine it and see that it was of high enough quality before they would allow it.

So, in other words, make your own font, or find a freeware one.
Lots of free fonts over here

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