
DirectX HELP ME !!!!!

Started by June 20, 2002 01:01 AM
11 comments, last by bosrudorfer 22 years, 2 months ago
The topic looks as if you are calling directx for help lol

Slow and steady wins the race.
Slow and steady wins the race.
[This is For Beginners. Even if its a joke, please don't post blatantly misleading information here, some beginners are bound to take it seriously and end up screwing their project thanks to your childishness]

[edited by - Michalson on June 21, 2002 8:33:22 PM]
Metal Typhoon
quote: Original post by bosrudorfer
I have Visual C++ & DirectX Already. I got it from andre LaMonte''s book.

Thanks for the answers, but i still have another question, how do i setup the directdraw screan?


There''s some tutorials on this site that cover that. Just look around a little bit. There are also some in the SDK samples.

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