
Am I doing this right?

Started by June 20, 2002 11:44 AM
1 comment, last by Monkee 22 years, 2 months ago
Alright, so I began to read the NeHe tutorials on OpenGL. I''ve gotten to the tutorial about lighting. Now up to this point I get the gist of what I''m doing but don''t really understand all the underlying factors of what I am doing. To help, I tweak the tutorial programs a bit and try to see what I can do with it. Unfortunately there''s not much I know how to tweak. Is this normal? I mean, do you start out only partially understanding it then later acquire the needed knowledge? Or should I reread the tutorials after I''ve gone through them once already? I''m just feeling a tad lost. Thanks for your help! Monkee "The red berries taste like burning!" -Ralph, The Simpsons
Monkee"The red berries taste like burning!"-Ralph, The Simpsons
Yea, I feel the same way, sometime I wonder if I'm even coding things proper(how's that for feeling lost )
but I won't give up. I've been downloading OpenGL tuts fom so I'm going to try to learn from there,
anyway since we're in the same boat might as well help each other
Things get easier with time and good help
So If you've got a question or wanna talk
email me, I've got a lonely inbox so I don't mind
Sorry, Forgot my address

[P.S. I chose the corny url for encouragement that one day I'll go Pro ]

[edited by - Ced1 on June 20, 2002 1:42:49 PM]
It is natural. Nobody understands it completely their first time through. Just keep playing around with the code until you feel comfortable with it. For instance, if you''re making cubes, try playing around making different shapes or different looking cubes. This will help you to actually understand the concept behind it. Knowing the code is great, but it''s better to know the concepts. You can always look up a function in the future, but you can''t just "look up" the logic. Hope that helps a little and keep it up!

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