
fps question

Started by June 22, 2002 08:18 AM
5 comments, last by branhield 22 years, 2 months ago
HOW COME commercial games like Quake, simcity3k, golf games etc. runs just fine on my system while a simple heightmap terrain thing from the openGL game programming book barely runs at 1 single fps...thats kinda wierd.. (pII 233mhz, 32mb ram, no hardware acceleration)
quote: Original post by branhield
(pII 233mhz, 32mb ram, no hardware acceleration)

There''s your problem.

John B
The best thing about the internet is the way people with no experience or qualifications can pretend to be completely superior to other people who have no experience or qualifications.
yeah i know..but as i mentioned, commercial games runs just fine..

edit: well not new ones, like gta3 and stuff, but take simcity 3000 for instance, its uses heightmap technique(i think?), and 3d models, so why will the heightmap example from 'ogl game programming' run so slow..?

[edited by - branhield on June 22, 2002 9:36:39 AM]
Older commercial games (original Quake, etc) provide their own highly optimized software rendering engines because they were written before everyone had 3D cards. OpenGL itself doesn''t have a really well optimized software engine, and The OGL Programming Book doesn''t come with a software engine (as far as I know). Therefore, if you don''t have a 3D card it will run extreemly slowly.

John B
The best thing about the internet is the way people with no experience or qualifications can pretend to be completely superior to other people who have no experience or qualifications.
alright thx
SC3000 doesn''t use 3D, it uses a lot of bitmaps but there is no 3D in it, or else they would''ve probably allowed you to do full rotation (maintaining the floorVeye angle) instead of 4 points.
SC3 uses a "real" hightmap technique? Only a rudimentary one wich is usable in 2D. Don''t confuse that with the power of a real height map technique.

As for Quake, and older games, they came slightly before 3D accelaration and so don''t use it, 3D accelaration was only used afterwards.

Remedy, well if your going to use one of the 3D APIs you might probably want to pick up a 3D card. If your strapped for money then I think there are some extremely cheap Geforce cards around (obviously the high end cards are way too expensive, but there are some cheaper versions which have excellent performance). Oh and get some mem while the prices are low.
Advertisement on an IBM laptop..not very easy to upgrade
but w/e, im getting a new system in october

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