
Anyone know of a library for matrix math?

Started by June 22, 2002 09:52 PM
3 comments, last by Raskolnikov 22 years, 2 months ago
I am working through a graphics programing book (Computer Graphics Principles and Practice 2nd Ed) implementing the various graphics algorithms in C++. I am in the process now of implementing the various transformation matrices. Unfortunately the only way I can be sure if my functions are correct is to do the math by hand. Does anyone know where to find a library that support matrix multiplication or know of a free math program that lets you enter and multiply matrices and get their cross products. It take a real long time to manually calculate the product of two 4 x 4 float matricies.
D3DX from DirectX SDK.
---visit #directxdev on afternet <- not just for directx, despite the name
D3DX only works if you''re using Direct3D ofcourse.
If you already know how to do the math by hand, why not create the functions yourself?


MFC is sorta like the swedish police... It''''s full of crap, and nothing can communicate with anything else.
quote: Original post by tok_junior
D3DX only works if you''re using Direct3D ofcourse.

Nope. It works just fine for OpenGL, for instance.
If you already know how to do the math by hand, why not create the functions yourself?

Maybe because D3DX provides processor-specific optimizations that make it one of the fastest libraries around?

Also, read the original post again. He''s already writing his own routines.
---visit #directxdev on afternet <- not just for directx, despite the name
I found the answer, Mathematica. It took me three minutes to figure out how to create a matrix, but from there it was easy. Only thing is that it calles the cross product an outer product. Now I can quickly verify that my functions are working correctly without having to do the math by hand.

I plan on studying and implementing the various graphics alogrithms myself to gain a firm grasp of the fundamentals, then switch to using either open gl or direct x for efficiency.

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