
Show your latest work!

Started by July 17, 2002 01:54 PM
23 comments, last by Erunama 22 years, 1 month ago
Hrm... why are my pictures not showing up? I am no where near my monthly bandwith limit.

Why don''t see your images?
because many webhost don''t allow extern hotlink (in special geoshities and angelfire). My webhost don''t allow hotlink when the file is more big that 32kb U_U

My Chii skeetch (from the cover of Chobits manga ^__^)

Chii is some "female robots" that made all to their "master" said! ^___^. Where i can buy someone?.. and came with usb port?

-----------------------------------------------"Cuando se es peon, la unica salida es la revolución"
The images worked for a few days, though. After that, they just stopped showing up. I guess they don''t disallow external linking automatically, but they saw a fair amount of bandwith coming GameDev.Net and put a stop to it.
Erunama, are you planning on fixing the problem. Probably, the only reason it ever worked for you is because your browser was loading the images from your cache.
No, it wasn''t the cache playing tricks on me (which is why the first two people to respond were able to comment on the images). I will look into the problem.
filters??? wtf?

i mean... no offense inteded (and i appreciate your enthusiasm), but how about learning to paint/draw instead? (assuming you haven´t already)
I already know how to draw and paint, and if the pictures were visible, you would see that I used filters to achieve effects that would be extremely hard to duplicate through drawing (I mean, how do you expect me to draw something with a bump map and get a reasonable quality scan for a logo).

And, I only mentioned using filters for saturation. It is technically not even a filter (I used a saturation layer to get the effect I wanted).

So go away you troll
to post from sites that don't allow hotlinking put before the URL, so for Erunama it would be ie. a and should show up:

Works fine for 0catch, geocities etc.

my own stuff

I just made the coloring in PS, the original b/w sketch was made by someone else.

[edited by - StrangeFate on July 30, 2002 2:19:54 AM]
one more thing that comes to mind (i think the other stuff was already mentioned on usf): the blood on the cleaver looks sort of dried up already, so you might wanna try removing the drop (besides, blood doesn´t drip as gooey as that).

btw: how about a tutorial on how to texture like that?
Thats pretty darn cool! Please, make a tutorial on how to do that type of texturing. It would help spare the world from more ''programmer art''.

Moe''s site

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