
Texturing approach for terrain

Started by July 18, 2002 03:52 AM
-1 comments, last by d000hg 22 years, 2 months ago
I''m adding texture support to my terrain engine, and have two ways of doing it to prevent jagged joins between different textures: 1)Each vertex has a texture, for every triangle multi-texture the three textures used to get smooth blends. pros: Very pretty, less textures needed. cons: Slower, can''t get distinct seams between textures when wanted 2)Tile based like in WarcaraftII - the joinging textures between different textures are drawn specially and put in that way. Pros: Only single texture to draw, quicker, can get nice join effects rather than bland fading from one texture to the other. Cons: More textures for artists to create. I thought I''d ask the artists amonst us what they think - would you mind drawing all those edge textures or is that relatively easy? If you have any experience in this are I''d be glad to hear about it. I guess I could render the join textures using my multitexturing approach, does that sound sensible? Thanks very much. John 3:16

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