
Microsoft Visual C++ 6

Started by July 22, 2002 08:19 AM
7 comments, last by Pipo DeClown 22 years, 1 month ago
I was using MSVC++, made a workspace. All fine all fine, but then I go make another workspace, and something is wrong. In the first, I made a DirectX project, when I typed a structure from the DX-lib, I could see a list with the things in it. Like this:

ddck. //<-- right here, i could get a box with thing in it;
But in the new one, the box doesnt comeup. Although the code works fine! Plz help me, thnx in adv ------do you think bill gates come here too?-----
tried searching yet? you''re certainly not the first one to discover this.

Come to #directxdev IRC channel on AfterNET
On another forum, someone had this problem with Intellisense (I think it was

The solution presented by bolivar was to delete the .ncb file and let VC++ rebuild them automatically.

Also, try going to and downloading Visual Assist, it makes Intellisense far more powerful [Comment Deleted]

[edited by - michalson on July 22, 2002 9:51:14 AM]
Still no box!
quote: Original post by Sibbo2001
[Comment Deleted] No closing, just editing

Uh-oh, just waiting for this thread to get closed....

The best way to accelerate a Win9x machine is at 9.81m/s2

[edited by - rohde on July 22, 2002 9:44:52 AM]

[edited by - michalson on July 22, 2002 9:51:38 AM]
"We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones." -Francois de La Rochefoucauld (1613 - 1680). | My blog
quote: Original post by Pipo DeClown

------do you think bill gates come here too?-----


thnx, tomato helps!
but still:

lpSurface-> //I need this one, but it doesnt come out!
I included "ddrawex.h" and it worked!!

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