
good beginner win32 book

Started by July 24, 2002 07:08 AM
6 comments, last by Buzz1982 22 years, 1 month ago
will u please recomend a good win32 API book for a beginner.
just a question, do you want to learn win32, or gameprogramming?
some ppl mistake to learn win32 for gameprogramming, but its just the window-making part!

Anywayz, I think I can help you on a ebook, mail me for info ;-)
A few months ago, I bought "Windows 98 Programming from the Ground Up". I know it says Win98, but pretty much all of the stuff in the book is still relevant, and it will teach you most of what you would want to know about Win32 (as a beginner, anyways). WindowsXP and Win2000 have obviously added features to the Win32 API since Win98, but this book was a great starting point for my learning of Win32.

Good luck!
My advice....

Don''t get a book for win32 programming. It''s not worth the money with all of the windows prgramming tutorials out there. Might I suggest going to Go there and check out the windows programming section. That is where I learned all of it. Or I can teach you.... Do you have an IM? Or I''ll just teach you from e-mail. But you have to have a firm grasp of c++.... mainly functions. Oh, and about the, "game programming is not windows programming".... Actually, all game are inside a window. It''ll help anyone understand the basics of game programming. I actually made a small text adventure with some graphics, just from that. So I say... definately learn win32 first.

p.s.- My e-mail is

Good luck man,

quote: "Those who are willing to lose some of their essential liberties in favour of security deserve neither and will lose both"
quote: Original post by Buzz1982
will u please recomend a good win32 API book for a beginner.

Programming Windows 95 by Charles Petzold. Although the title says "windows 95" it is the definitive win api refrence.
quote: Original post by Tigra7
Don''t get a book for win32 programming. It''s not worth the money with all of the windows prgramming tutorials out there.

Only if you''re only doing game programming, you don''t need much win32 for that. If you want to really learn windows programming, get a book. I''d recommend "Programming Windows 5th edition" by Charles Petzold. It is the industry standard for Win32. I got mine a couple years ago and still use it often. Any other book is a wannabe of this book. It starts at the beginning of creating a basic window and moves from there, just make sure you have a solid understanding of C (no C++ required). Good luck!
yes i want to learn windows programming(however games programming is also my aim)but now i want to concentrate on making windows based programs.i know C very well and recently learning c++ too.and thanx for ur replies.and yes pipo declown if u can tell me about some ebook it will be good.
Windows Programming with C++::Henning Hanson
Good book, must know C++ basic before you read. All win32 no MFC crap.

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