
Gmax and jobs

Started by August 06, 2002 04:55 PM
16 comments, last by Rickwi22 22 years, 1 month ago
I have been learning about modding dungeon seige with gmax and seige editor, and I was wondering if learning Gmax will help me get a job in the game industry, especially if I show a few good modles Ive made with it. I know its not the full version of 3ds max but the interfaces and such are suppossed to be very similar
You''ll get into the industry making really good stuff. Try grabbing an older version of 3ds max somewhere. Or use the search function and look for free modellers, Blender comes to mind.

Where''d the engine go? Where''d it go? Aaaaaah!!
MSN:, AIM: LockePick42, ICQ: 74128155
_______________________________________Pixelante Game Studios - Fowl Language
Here is a model of a gun Ive made in a few minutes, I know it is crappy but I wanna know what you guys think. Also, Id love to get an older version of 3dsmax, hw much are they usually. I dont really wanna mess aronud with Blender and stuff like that too much, because it seems like employers would only care if I have skills in the modeller they are already using, which is gonna be 3ds max in many cases.
First off I cant see the picture. 2nd, employers are going to be looking for more then just people that know an inteface. They want people who can translate vision into great 3D models etc. Blander is very very powerful and gaining the knowledge of what does will still be valuable. You can check it out at
The answer to your question is yes. Although you don''t need to use max or gmax. Just creating some great models will show what you can do. That doesn''t mean people will rush to hire you, but experience creating models will never hurt. Discreet''s master plan is to get kids to learn gmax so they''ll want to use 3ds max when they get a job so the interfaces are quite similar.

geocities doesn''t allow direct link

just cut/past in adress field

this model look too basic
what are you able to do with more complex shapes ?

and please don''t use BMP here, think JPG
That gun you modeled sucks, it is so plain. Do you think modeling like that will get you into the game industry,. if so, think again. I'm only 16yrs old. and have been using 3DS Max r3.1 for 1.5yrs and can model low-polygon and high-polygon characters, aircrafts, buildings, and more.... If that's the best that you can do, you need some tutorials. I'd like to see what you could do with complex models. (lol, lol, lol, lol)

If you want to see some good models contact me (
or visit:



[edited by - shutoko2 on August 13, 2002 12:38:37 PM]

[edited by - shutoko2 on August 14, 2002 8:39:19 AM]
How rude. Give the guy a break.

***edit*** BTW, your work is quite nice...but it's still no reason to be a jerk. You might try offering some helpful advice or something

[edited by - mearrin69 on August 13, 2002 3:19:27 PM]


shutoko2, Don't be a queer... If you don't have anything constructive to say then shut up and back off.

[edited by - TechnoHydra on August 13, 2002 6:13:34 PM]

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