
To anyone who can use 3d modelling programs

Started by August 08, 2002 06:58 AM
29 comments, last by Half-Demon 22 years ago
Ok, I''m getting quite desperate now. We, Endo Entertainment, an amateur game development team, are working on a 3d rpg. We have a killer story, a band that takes care of the music and an artist who is working on some concept-art as we speak. Some of us can program, but we''re busy getting better programmers now. The problem is that it seems to be impossible to get someone to create the 3d objects/models. The main purpose of the team is not making money, but getting better at what we do and have a nice game to show when someone asks you about your experience. At first the idea was to try and sell the game if good enough, but we decided to make it a free download, because that way we maybe don''t get that little money we could get, but people will notice us. ----------
I rule, you drool!
"If the whole world was out to get you... they would have gotten you by now."
Yo, Half-Demon

What kind of models do you need. Because I would like to help you out. I am very skilled in 3DS Max, been using for about a year and you've seen some of my work already(Space Sim)remember.Anyways you can: Email me at (



[edited by - shutoko2 on August 8, 2002 9:04:28 AM]

[edited by - shutoko2 on August 8, 2002 9:05:07 AM]
I liked what you''ve done for spacesim so far.

The most important thing right now is the character models. We need these real badly now. Our only artist (btw we need more concept artists. Anyone?) is busy with drawing some of the characters.

Further more the game has a lot of creatures and objects and stuff. It''s really impossible to name it all because there is so much to be done.


I rule, you drool!


"If the whole world was out to get you... they would have gotten you by now."
Will these be low-polygon character models or high-polygon. Also will they need texture or will you worry about that later.


At the moment we have no characters, so anything is an improvement. Anyway, the game will have a very innovating gameplay if I do say so myself, and I still can''t get over the amazing story so it wouldn''t matter the models aren''t hyperperfect (did I just invent a new word?).


I rule, you drool!


"If the whole world was out to get you... they would have gotten you by now."
Well im a programmer, i cant draw too well, i am relatively good (and learning) at low poly modeling. If you show me what you need as a sketch or so i can prolly model it for ya. I use Anim8or for my work if you need to know. if thats a problem get over it j/k let me know.

oh ya if you wanna see my senior project go to
its a breakout/pong mix. got a 92 on it

I shall fart in your general direction. - I said so
------------------------------If you whispered, who would hear you? If you cried, who would comfort you? If you begged, who would have mercy? If you program, who will play?------------------------------
Our artist is working on some concept-art, as soon as he''s done and our scanner works again ( ) it will be posted on the site. I don''t see why anim8or would be a problem.


I rule, you drool!


"If the whole world was out to get you... they would have gotten you by now."
Half demon, whats the point in this topic?

We have hardly anything set-up and already your looking for more ppl to join the team?
Ahhh..... sounds just like a noob wannabe RPG maker groups again.
And what happened to the old school artist that could do their own concepts, then build their own concept into a reality ??

[edited by - AntilogicHyper on August 9, 2002 7:10:41 AM]
Where have I been ?
Is that true Half-Demon, that you hardly have anything set up.



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