
Learning Art w/digital mediums

Started by August 08, 2002 08:20 AM
0 comments, last by leemoore 22 years, 1 month ago
Hello, I am looking for advice on how to learn digital art creation for games. I am a business programmer that is taking up game development as a hobby. I''m pretty comfortable with my programming skills however my visual/artistic side leaves a lot to be desired. I have no intention of getting good enough to be able to get hired as a visual artist. I would just like to become proficient enough to design acceptable 2d/3d art for shareware games and that I develop. I am not by nature a visual person, nor have I shown any traditional visual artistic potential (though I am a musician). I am reasonably proficient with the tools of photoshop and would prefer to learn directly on the computer rather than learning to draw then transferring that ability into the digital world. Most books teach you how to use the tools without really teaching you how to develop your artistic abilities. Are there any good tutorials on how to develop artistic skill within the context of photoshop or 3ds max? Thanks for any help Lee Moore
Hi! Sure there are plenty of excellent tutorials out there, I''ll drop you a few I know. Unfortunatly, I must warn you, if you choose not to enhance your physical drawing skills at all, it will be difficult for you to create game content (unless of course it''s strictly geometric shapes). My advice to you is to start developing your drawing skills, it''s not as hard as you think. You can write you name can''t you? Well then you have the ability to draw. It''s the same prinicples, the only differnce is that drawing requires you to look at seomthing and draw ( weather that something is in your mind or in the pysical world.)

I''ll suggest this book for you in that respect "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" If you do these simple exercises you will be drawing in about a weeks time, evern if you''ve never drawn before.

Secondly, in all of these links you will find content that requires some ability in drawing (even in 3D stuff, tracing an outline is sometimes required). So look through them well and take what you would like.

Also, hanging out at art forums you can ask this question and expect a multitue of great responses, here are a few good ones:

Good Luck!


Liquid Moon Team

Project X2

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