
Application for pixel-art

Started by August 12, 2002 02:02 PM
5 comments, last by roka-tarat 22 years, 1 month ago
What program do you recommend me for pixel drawings? Actually I use an old (and pirate) copy of Deluxe Paint II... I''ve tried MS Paint, but it haven''t palettes, and the predefined colours are ugly... If it''s possible, I preferer a freeware or shareware, that works aprox. like Deluxe Paint... Thanks a lot, and sorry for my english... Marc Casas
Contrary to what people say, I still prefer mspaint for all my pixel art needs.

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I really like "Wally". It''s easy to manage palettes and there is an option to see how your tile looks, well, tiled. Sorry I don''t have a link, you''ll have to Google for it.
YOu might not belive me... but actully use mspaint for pixel art. if i need to get more detailed and bigger, i use photoshop.
my signature file, was a combination of the two.

Try Pro Motion (, it''s a DPaint clone for Windows. Very effective.

And, yeah, you CAN save in the demo version. Just save as animation, the file-format is very simple.

Recommend you buy it if you like it, though.

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Photoshop for everything
I use Paint Shop Pro 7

When I bought it, it was sold for the half price, as a bundle with a graphire 2 tablet

David Sporn AKA Sporniket

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