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Appropriate topics

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27 comments, last by ghowland 24 years, 2 months ago
There are some topics, while they are realted to some forms of game development, that are not appropriate in this forum. Adult content (as in the above R rated kind), is not the focus of this site, and is one of the topics we aren''t promoting in any way, so take those discussions elsewhere. For the R rated, simply mature games, I agree that there is a huge lack of mature emotional content in games. Part of this is that we dont have actors to emote as easily as film does, but books do this with no actors, which is where we should probably be basing our work on. However, the current publishing model doesnt really subscribe to this as a ''sellable'' product yet. The Sims are probably the closest to that, and really they are more of the Soap Opera type of entertainment when played that way, or else very one dimensional (not to their discredit, that wasnt their goal). -Geoff
Come on... If someone says porn which is relatively happy and soft word you guys are just like "Whoo? He said it, didn''t he? Now I must delete that topic." You guys are really hypocritical and conservative... Well I think that''s the mood in USA, but I don''t care where you come from, but I think you just violated my liberty to express myself! Well, come on, you didn''t offence anyone, for now, but what is wrong saying word porn? It belongs to game indrusty, film indrusty, real life and many other places... I''ve got feeling that you are just evading the truth that porn is one of best selling things in the world... I also think that I belongs to this forum like in anywhere else. It''s simply the truth that there is some room for porn games, hear it, I said porn? Wanna delete this topic? Huh? Where we should talk about sex? Nowhere? That''s the way in USA where teenage pregnancy rates are one of the highest in whole world??

So if it''s the public line of GDN then I''ll understand it, somehow, but I have seen a lot of rougher topics than mine was? So why did you delete it? I want use words porn, sex, drugs, fuck, dick, sex, alchohol, whereever I want as long as it''s not offending anyone... Let''s say, erotic games? They will come when they realize that there is hole for them... They had inveted machine for cybersex? Why couldn''t you use it for games? You get the forcefeedback feeling, these force feedbacks are just like made for women, but they should shape it little bit? What do you think? Joystick and "joy stick" in the same packet?

It is just stupid coling eyes deleting topics which are little bit nastier or are going to affects someones opinions like that christianity topic, I don''t know if it''s deleted...

By the way. If GDN deletes your topics arbitrary, just sue them, In most of countries they are violating liberty of speech in that case. I have seen a lot of smaller cases where stupid people had sued company X...

Time comes, time goes and I only am.
As Geoff said, this message board system isn''t really the place for that. About the suing, thats not exactly possible. This is there site, they can have whatever rules they want. They have the right to delete anything they want, without question or explanation of any kind.

Talking about porn, sex, or any other type of subject like that on these boards generally isn''t a good idea. Some people are offended by that. Plus, a great number of people viewing these boards are people under 18, and if they get caught viewing anything to do with porn, they''ll most likely be kicked off the net for awhile.

D. Smith
GdNet Forum is a MODERATED forum, and it is for the benefits of every developer. Ever been to some forums that are not moderated the least bit? They got way out of topic, with spams, flames, and eventually no one even bothered to visit it.

Look around the forums. How many of them involves the elements you are fighting for, and you will know just how many are on your side. If you do not like the workings of GdNet forum, you should just stop visiting and using it, instead of rambling about your rights and freedom of speech.
Mr. Howland says that he deleted the thread about porn games because Gamedev does not ''promote'' porn in any way. Does it mean that Gamedev ''promotes'' running around with shotguns and shooting people''s heads off when they do not delete FPS threads?

That was good one Anom. Poster. And where did I say that I will spam, flood, flame and go from off topic????? I just asked about porn games which wasn''t much? It belongs to game desing forum, it''s genre as RPG or FPS? It was as good topic as any "Is there any room for yet another crappy rpg?" or "Tell me something new about over used genre of FPS?" I just can''t see how someone can connect porn game and spam, flame and flood together? Well, it might be the word porn, but then you should read the latter part of it...

It''s good thing that this is moderated so that every make cash easy guys can''t post those topics here. Moderators aren''t here for deleting all kinds of (somewhat)intelligent discussions and stop people to change their ideas and opinions...

Time comes, time goes and I only am.
The porn game thread''s been deleted? IMHO, that''s simply idiotic. See, most of the actual game developers/artists/etc here are NOT 13-year-olds whose parents freak out when they see the word porn, they''re mature people who can discuss mature topics in a mature way (note: that doesn''t mean "who can cuss and be 1337"). The porn game thread was actually somewhat interesting, and might have gotten somewhere.
I believe that deleting the discussion about porn game wasn''t good way to deal with it, AT ALL. I do respect ghowlands viewpoint, but I agree with last message, people over here are adult enough to understand what they are talking about ! Maybe talking about porn game is little weird (hey, interesting , but this makes me really feel that if I want to create C&C-clone, moderators just come to mess up and scream : "No more C&C-clones, that genre is so damn stupid because there are so many C&C-clones allready".

When it comes to real art, US and Europe REALLY (fact) do divide in opinion about painting nude figure. Most of the US people start getting strongly upset because of ... "SHE''S NUDE ! ARE YOU DAMN PERVERT ?", while NO-ONE at Europe starts critiquing nude-picture painting as porn.

How about drugs ? This question is really for moderators: If I want to create game where player has to be a drug dealer, and he has to create own drugs in labs, and I want the game to be really specific and realistic, are you going to delete my question about drugs just because its "incorrect" and "little green people might get weird ideas because I''m trying to bring formulas of creating drugs for public" ? Or maybe player isn''t even drug dealer, maybe he should be a cop, but the question remains same !

I would like to see little more wider perspective when deleting message that PEOPLE in the forums saw interesting, while it didn''t even bother other people (atleast I didn''t see any angry messages), and while it still was tasty ! It would be atleast nice to move thread for other board, and not just deleting it.

Well... still... I see the point of deleting: It was about porn on public place ! Some people just seem not to be able to handle such a topic

Why are games with gameplay and goals centered on violence and stealing acceptable topics (RPG''s and FPS come to mind), and a discussion about the viability of a game with virtual sex as a goal unacceptable? Personally, I think that''s pretty narrow and dumb.

Every entertainment medium (books, video, internet ect), has been used for porn. It arguable that a number of the technical advances on the net have been driven, in part, by the porn industry (streaming video).

If the moderators of this wonderful discussion area think that a topic may not be suitable for younger users of the site, then perhaps they should attach a icon to the thread indicating such.

At least the porn game thread had to do with game programming, as opposed to a lot of the other stuff that''s been poping up around here...

- genovov
Its not just about younger audiences, this isnt the type of discussion I want on MY board. Check who is moderating this forum. You want to talk about this, go to usenet or somewhere else. You dont like it? Go somewhere else.

You want to sue me, bring it on. Youll be laughed out of court, since this is a private board, and Im sure youre full of crap about that anyway (lets throw around lawsuits to scare people). Especially since you arent even in the US and it would cost you a ton more to do any such thing.

Bottom line, if we dont allow a topic to be discussed for WHATEVER reason, thats the way it is here. We dont NEED to explain it because its our policies, our boards, and our servers. If you dont like that, you dont have to talk about it here.

What have you really had taken away from your "liberty" to discuss here anyway? From the posts Ive seen deleted most recently its been pornography discussions, racist comments and discussions, and religious discussions that were going badly or were just OTT.

So we've cut them because this is not the theme of the board, nor do we want it as a spawning ground for those discussions as WE feel they are off topic. Again, if you dont like this, dont post here. I dont see these as big stopping points for all the other things we do provide.

Archon, if you want to just "challenge authority" or something idiotic like that, go for it and see how fast your account gets deleted. We dont have to put up with you making posts like that after we tell you its not appropriate on our site.

Reasons for not allowing those kinds of discussions:

- Some people come here from work (whethers on their lunch breaks or not), if their servers/bosses pick up anything about pornography on their computers, theyre fired
- Some people have parents who will ban them from using the computers if they visit sites similarly
- Some people just dont like those topics and shouldnt have to deal with them when visiting a site that is NOT about them. If you look at the internet as a whole there is a clear separation between places that deal with this topic, and places that dont.
- Then there is my personal feelings on them, which is I dont want them on my sites or on a forum Im moderating, and this is my forum. I encourage discussin on GAME DESIGN, and not on topics like this. If you cant handle that, find someplace else to talk.

Final analogy (for those who dont want to get it). You come in to my home, or the home or several people in this case, and you start talking about things we dont want to hear. We ask you not to. Instead of respecting our wishes, in our home, you decide to rant and rave about your rights and how you will say whatever you want to and sue us if you ask you to stop or leave. Get it?


Edited by - ghowland on 4/3/00 4:43:33 PM

Edited by - ghowland on 4/3/00 4:44:25 PM

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