
Game Licensing

Started by August 20, 2002 07:06 PM
5 comments, last by Royce 22 years ago
Is there any references where I can maybe get a gaming license or something that will protect my content, such as a copyright or so?

You already have copyright on work that you create. There is no need for you to do anything about it. However, most people will put ''Copyright (C) 2002 YourNameHere'' in the source. If you are looking for the GPL or the BSD licence, you can use those, too. Just go to the respective web pages, or download something that has the licence you want. You''ll have to include it with whatever you distribute.

Well. Lets say you hire someone to code. If you pay them money then they leave, the work that they did belongs to them and you cannot use their material because it would be property of their own. How would I make it the games property? That is what I REALLY MENT < SORRY FOR CAPS< HOTEL INTERNET TV SUX!!
He would be required to sign a laywer approved contract if it were to be truly yours, I did so for the company I work for. All the coding that I do for them is their property.

HunterTKilla is correct, if you are hiring for commercial software development. I''m not sure what you mean by the ''games property''. If you mean a programming group, you''ll probably have to hire a lawyer to come up with one that is legally enforceable. Informal groups are probably not considered legal entities, but IANAL.

The courts in the U.S. have repeatedly sided with employers and against employees in "intellectual property" cases... Basically, if you pay someone to work for you, then ALL of their work/ideas belong to you. However, if you don''t pay them, then you own none of their work. To fully protect yourself, you should have anyone who works for you sign a simple intellectual property agreement. Expensive lawyers probably aren''t necessary. Most people and all professional developers have signed an IP agreement at one time or another. Get your hands on one, and use that as a starting point.
also be aware in the us ANYONE under the age of 18 cannot not enter a legal contract. in order for them to enter a contract you MUST get their legal gaudian (ie parent) to cosign the ocntract. i only mention this because there are minors on this board. also sometimes ppl forget/dont know that minors cant enter contracts.

be very careful how you word the contract as well as how much rights you will try to take away. a restrictive contract may have some ppl not helping you unless they feel the pay is quite high for what they do.

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