
A Beginner needs help

Started by August 23, 2002 09:18 PM
4 comments, last by kingpinzs 22 years ago
I have made a directx window for windows and I now i dont know how to mkae a world in that window? I can put images in it but i cant figure out how to make a world in it like some land scape and some basic buildings with a sky and a sun with clouds. If i can get that done the rest might be easy. and how do you make a "evel editor/ game editor / map editor"type tool.
Sounds like you want to do a terrain type thing for the world. Look around the message boards for terrain engines in DX. As for the level editors etc...i would study C++ more and then attempt to create those editors since they are involved.

I had that problem also, i tried to make a world but found theres a lot more to it then that, so, try looking into opengl before directx, I found opengl to be faster, easyer and all out more fun programm with
I had that problem also, i tried to make a world but found theres a lot more to it then that, so, try looking into opengl before directx, I found opengl to be faster, easyer and all out more fun programm with
your post sounds like you wanted to make a game without knowing what''s really behind it - i mean, professional teams work on games all day for several years until the game is done...
i''d recommend you to get a bit deeper into the materia(l)? does this word exist? dunno... however, try to make something ''simple'' like tetris first (i don''t want to insult you with this, i don''t know how much programming experience you have), so you know what programming feels like. because there really is a LOT behind a game that needs a ''world'' to be created ;-)
read a lot. i can only recommend the various articles on, especially nehe''s opengl tutorials ( they should give you a good start.
---Just trying to be helpful.Sebastian Beschke
I have made a directx window for windows and I now i dont know how to mkae a world in that window? I can put images in it but i cant figure out how to make a world in it like some land scape and some basic buildings with a sky and a sun with clouds. If i can get that done the rest might be easy. and how do you make a "evel editor/ game editor / map editor"type tool.

Dude, seriously, you need to slow down a bit. That 'put images into a window' part is actually the most difficult part of graphics programming: you'll need to create a 3D engine. That's no thing of a day or two, that can take anywhere from months to years, even for experienced programmers. There is a long way between opening a window and a game like Morrowind (as you mentioned in your other thread).

First question: how experienced are you with programming ? Don't even attempt to write a 3D engine, if you are not comfortable with the programming language you use. If that part is OK, you can go on to easy graphics. As has been suggested, write a Tetris clone, using GDI or DirectDraw. That can already be a big challenge at the beginning (my first Tetris took me several months to get right).

If after that you'd like to go 3D, get some good math books first. 3D math is not easy, and you'll need to know it well (vectors, matrix math, trigonometry, etc). Then learn a 3D API: Direct3D or OpenGL. There are lots of tutorials about those, eg. have a look at NeHe's site, if you want to go with OpenGL.

The best advice I can give you is to take it slow. Don't jump into something that obviously will be totally over your head. You won't get a game, but you'll lose time and get totally frustrated. Trust me, I've been through that Start small.

/ Yann

[edited by - Yann L on August 24, 2002 9:40:52 PM]

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