
Is C++ worth the trouble????

Started by August 29, 2002 06:54 PM
16 comments, last by BadgerC82 22 years ago
use whatever you are comfortable with. When you are using
c++ it is a misconception that you are not using c.
If by c++ you mean classes/inheritance etc.. then you need
to remember that even though the code is more readable
the actual compiled code is larger and has much more
instructions and thus is a bit slower. Not much but it is
there. So don´t forget to only use the power c++ offers
you only when it is warranted to do so. With c/c++ you basically
have a lot of tools just like a painter has the brushes.
You only use what you need for any particular task. If not then
the work will pretty much be like the painters that only
use some favourite brush(es) most of the time.
Think about how the code is arranged and if you really need
classes for the problem or if you can fix it another way.
It is always easy to take the quick way out but that is most
of the time not the best option.
look here:

a C++ tutorial designed for C programmers - extremely well written with good source code examples of classes, polymorphism etc. I switched from C to C++ in a matter of weeks with a large degree of confidence after going through this. Good luck.

I''m strange, I code in C++ without taking advantage of the extra features then when the code becomes difficult to understand, I take advantage of the inheritence. The point here is that C++ structure makes the code that bit more comprehensible, as opposed to C.

Yes, you should learn it. As you know C it will not be as difficult a ride as you may think.

i think c++ is a wonderful thing. i can easily like never before, understand other peoples source and my own programming becomes much more intuitive. it seems like a complex project never becomes overboggle.
C++ is a godsend for game programmers, especially ones who are writing RPGs or any other game involving large amounts of data for each individual character in the game. I''m only about three weeks into learning C++ (former knowledge: BASIC and a little C) and I don''t think that I could go back to trying to code without classes or OOP.
What is a good free version of C++ I can download and use to learn on.

I also want to know why its called C++?

And what is the compiler. Is it something you use in conjunction with C++ to code with?

luke gartrell // melbourne australia

*peace be with you*

[edited by - shinKen on September 1, 2002 11:31:21 PM]
luke gartrell // melbourne australia*peace be with you*
its called c++ because its one step up from C
eg i++ increments i by 1

I live in Queensland, and got Microsoft''s Visual C++ 6.0 (Academic Version) for $120 AUS last year (when I was in year 12). Before that I used a downloaded an older Borland C++ compiler (free), and that was 3 years ago.

Hope that helps.

Wizza Wuzza?

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