
Just wanna make a text game

Started by August 30, 2002 07:36 PM
12 comments, last by iamaposer 22 years ago
I know an alright amount of C++ I think enough to get me by on making a text game. But I don''t know how to go about it. Does anyone know any tutorials? I have only found graphic game tutorials, I would like to make something easier that I could just add a bunch of different features to (different menu items and such). It is going to be a skateboarding/RPG game. You would choose to go out and skate, and you would have to "learn" new tricks by practicing them. You could get hurt from practicing (I want that to be random). The game also saves your progress. I would like to have the game where you get sponsered by companies when you start to know a couple tricks but I would like the company and how good of a chance for them to be sponsered to be random (5 tricks 20%chance, 6 tricks 25% chance, so on and so forth). I would like you to be able to view "news" that is going on, and that would be some random things. I would like you to be able to view who is sponsered by who, and when in the news it says they switch sponsers, they actually switch sponsers. Wow, that actually sounds a lot harder then I thought it would . Well, that is most of what I want to do, can anyone help me out? I don''t know if I already put it but I want people to be able to save their game. "I''''ll take my spoons and dig out your blue eyes, swallow them down to my colon, their gonna burn like hell tonight."
"I''ll take my spoons and dig out your blue eyes, swallow them down to my colon, their gonna burn like hell tonight."
Damn, that''s an awfully complicated game.

But really, you can''t expect to get help if you don''t ask an actual question. What specifically do you need help with?
All of it, ha ha .

If anybody knows how I would be able to do any of that, that would be a big help. Or if you knew any tutorials on text games. Or if you read what I want to do and just know some tricks/tips to get me started that would be cool . Just, anything, lol.

"I''''ll take my spoons and dig out your blue eyes, swallow them down to my colon, their gonna burn like hell tonight."
"I''ll take my spoons and dig out your blue eyes, swallow them down to my colon, their gonna burn like hell tonight."
Just do it. Figure out what the game needs to do, and try to code it. Then, if you get stumped, at least you''ll have a specific question to ask.

I''ve never seen any tutorials on text games like yours, so I can''t help you with that. But still, I suggest you follow my advice. It may seem daunting, but it''s even harder for someone else to help you without actually coding the game for you.
Oh, alright, then do you know any tutorials for programming text games at all. Cause I would like to go look through them. I just have never found any.

"I''''ll take my spoons and dig out your blue eyes, swallow them down to my colon, their gonna burn like hell tonight."
"I''ll take my spoons and dig out your blue eyes, swallow them down to my colon, their gonna burn like hell tonight."
I haven''t either; that''s the problem.
lol, well thanks for trying

Does anyone know where I can find tutorials on how to make a text game?

"I''''ll take my spoons and dig out your blue eyes, swallow them down to my colon, their gonna burn like hell tonight."
"I''ll take my spoons and dig out your blue eyes, swallow them down to my colon, their gonna burn like hell tonight."
This should help.


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[End Transmission]
Sup guys?
I''d suggest that you didn''t use text for a game like this. You see, although text game programming is much simpler than graphics programming (as I''m sure you realise), there is a price to pay for such simplicity.

The amount of information you''re going to be showing is much lower, and will be very messy.

I assume your game will be running like Championship Manager - just with skateboarders, instead of footballers. Well, you''ll probably want to be able to see previous news reports, and so on - such that, there will be too much information to show on screen at one time.

It will come down to menus, and you will basically find that actually presenting the game nicely will be incredibly difficult, if not impossible.

In fact, investigating into graphics, just so that you can do it all within a couple of windows, will make your game look much neater, and the time you invest into it will pay off grandly.
umm you should learn to use the windows api for contorling windows and such so that u can use regular windows to display your info. and since you''ll have windows to use id sugest using .bmp files for character images on like status screens, or skateboard images in stores, but nothing more then that for pics. that way you can learn more about windows and how to make a game with it.

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