
Do I need know this stuff??

Started by September 01, 2002 11:01 AM
0 comments, last by Sand_Hawk 22 years ago
Tricks Of the Windows Game PRogramming is in Chapter 8 talking about howto draw lines, how to clip, etc. Do I really need to know this stuff if I'm not going to use it. Since DirectX already has clippers/line drawers/etc. I think I don't need it. What about the others who've already written some games. Do I need to know? Sand Hawk ---------------- -Earth is 98% full. Please delete anybody you can.
My Site [edited by - sand_hawk on September 1, 2002 1:14:53 PM]
----------------(Inspired by Pouya)

Yes. Think of it as the theory behind how they work. Don''t worry about memorizing it, though.


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