
Photoshop channels not working!

Started by September 09, 2002 06:37 PM
1 comment, last by Raymondo 22 years ago
Okay i''ve been working on an image for quite some time now and I just saved it to a jpeg so I cna use this image on a website. This image has 12 alfa channels that I use for shading. But when I save as a jpeg the alfa channels dont seem to work. Eg: the shading doesn''t show up. I really dont want to do the shading over agian using a diffrent format. Can I fix this or use another format the web friendly?
JPEG does not support alpha. Try PNG.

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I describe how to use channels for alpha transparency in a little thread I wrote a few weeks back.
I think you might find it useful ?

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-----------------------------Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !

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