

Started by September 13, 2002 09:15 PM
3 comments, last by Cain 22 years ago
I'm starting to play with Direct3D and am having trouble viewing objects created (in Maya) using Subdiv Surfaces or Nurbs. I've been using the mesh viewer (mview.exe) to view the .x files i have exported using the plugin from the D3D SDK Extras. After looking at the .x files with notepad they seem to be missing a lot of data. I have a feeling the response is going to be "Dont be an idiot. you have to convert them to polygons for D3D", but im a n00b and i cant find any info on the web. Is there any way to use these types of objects? Thanks. [edited by - Cain on September 13, 2002 10:57:45 PM]
Hi there; I have the same trouble but in different approach, I found a plugin for maya that will export the entire nurbs geometry to .x file, it is called "polytrans" & polytrans plugin for maya, these are 2 seperate programs, & I think that you have to trainglate the geometry in maya. I don''t know exatly, I''m just beginning directx programming, but I''m sure that with polytrans you can export the entire geometry.

Thanks baz, i''ll have a look at it.
Hi cain;
Do you know how I can view the imported geometry from MAYA, I''v
just made .x file but don''t know how to view it, if you could refere me to a tutorial?

I dont know about importing the .x file back into Maya, but like i said, i''ve been using the mesh viewer (mview.exe) to view the .x files, this is included in the DirectX SDK. It lets you view the mesh from different angles and move it around etc...

I assume you already have it (if you have the sdk installed), but if for some reason you don''t i''ll be happy to send it to you its only 676k. let me know.

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