
Maya Character: Help, Questions, Feedback

Started by September 14, 2002 11:15 AM
1 comment, last by Sage13 22 years ago
Hey, this is my first 3D character Mode using Maya, It's for class. I am nearing the completion of my model, but I've run into a little problem. Everytime I smooth it, these wierd black spots show up (See images below), how do I fix this? Also, just curious, how could I cell shade this? Un-Smoothed Model picts: Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Thanx -Sage13 Liquid Moon Team Project X2 [edited by - Sage13 on September 14, 2002 12:20:05 PM]
Hi Sage13,

First let me say thats a great looking model. I''d love to get hold of a model like that if it were textured and animated ;?)

It appears that ur model is made up of multiple meshes, and this is going to cause them to be smoothed differently where they meet. Smoothing can also be a bit hairy with low poly sections of models due to the way in which it smooths. Ur gonna have to either increase the resolution of the meshes, or cut the internal sections of the meshes away, Combine them if they''re separate meshes, then stitch them together with the Merge Edge tool. Overall, its a better workflow since the MAYA renderer wont be rendering internal polygons and it''ll make a smaller model if you want to use it for something else.

As for the cartoon rendering, check out, I''m pretty sure they had a tutorial on there about toon shading in MAYA.


Thanx! I''ll check that out. I have juust been messing with it since, fixing it by hand. I''m almost done though. I''ll post it here when I''m through.

Also thanx for the link, If I have time I would definitly like to Cell shade this.


Liquid Moon Team

Project X2

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