
AI Research Project

Started by October 02, 2002 11:36 PM
10 comments, last by Just3D 21 years, 11 months ago
Can anyone here point me to some good resources on AI. I need: AI history, AI theory, and more specifically I would like something on shape recognition. (C++ would be great). I hope I''m making sense here. Thanks in advance. "There are only three types of people in this world: those who can count, and those who can''t." Just3D Justin Nordin J Squared Productions
"There are only three types of people in this world: those who can count, and those who can't."Just3DJustin NordinJ Squared

There''s a world of information at your fingertips!

be sure to make an extra check in MIT''s research papers, they did a thing on using computers for shape recognition a few years back.

George D. Filiotis
Are you in support of the ban of Dihydrogen Monoxide? You should be!
George D. Filiotis
Don''t forget
Thanks for the responses.


Timkin. Seriously. Where do you think I went first? I would only post on here if I honestly couldn''t find anything of relevance out there.



"There are only three types of people in this world: those who can count, and those who can''t."

Justin Nordin
J Squared Productions
"There are only three types of people in this world: those who can count, and those who can't."Just3DJustin NordinJ Squared
quote: Original post by Just3D
Timkin. Seriously. Where do you think I went first? I would only post on here if I honestly couldn't find anything of relevance out there .

You're kidding me right??? There is so much out there on AI that you couldn't read it all in a year, even if you didn't sleep! If you were looking for detailed information on a specific aspect of AI, I would of course point you in the direction of that information (if I knew of a good, reliable source), or provide the information myself. You asked for information on AI history and theory, which are very general topics. You're only going to get those answers by reading lots of different sites or by buying a book... and you don't need me to tell you how to do the latter. Had you indicated that you had already done the former, I would of course have offered a different answer... although it surprises me that you didn't find the answers your seek.

On the history front:

Start with Warren McCulloch Walter Pitts and move onto the work of Herb Simon and Allen Newell... and work forward from there. Off the top of my head, some other greats from the early days include: Shannon, Turing, Minsky, McCarthy, Rochester, Green, Winograd, Rosenblatt, Hopfield, Friedberg, Holland, ... my mind is starting to trail out... this should be plenty for you to look up.

As for the theory question... restricting yourself to shape recognition: look up techniques of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and robot vision system. Techniques include (but are not limited to): reinforcement learning (ANNs, Gaussian classifiers), statistical analysis techniques (ICA, PCA) and geometric techniques (curve fitting).

You should be able to use this information to get a foothold in your investigations.



[edited by - Timkin on October 3, 2002 9:31:56 PM]
Shame on you Timkin for forgetting about The Man - John Von Neumann! ;0)

Just3D: If you want history, one good resource is the book "Darwin amongst the Machines" by George Dyson. It's cheap, a good read and it covers a lot of early history.

[edited by - fup on October 3, 2002 9:59:24 PM]
Thanks a lot I will be sure to look up all of these people.

Timkin, didn''t mean to flame, I should have been more specific. Oh well, thanks for the tips.

I''ve been away from gamedev too long... (i.e. a few weeks).

"There are only three types of people in this world: those who can count, and those who can''t."

Justin Nordin
J Squared Productions
"There are only three types of people in this world: those who can count, and those who can't."Just3DJustin NordinJ Squared
quote: Original post by fup
Shame on you Timkin for forgetting about The Man - John Von Neumann!

bah! von Neumann was a mathematician like me. I wouldn''t want to bring him down by suggesting he was a mere computer scientist and lumping him with the others! ;P




Check out this site on Augmented reality. They use shape recognition as one of the building blocks of their process.

Download the AR Toolkit.

Hope this helps,

[edited by - 3cheesemac on October 4, 2002 4:10:22 PM]

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