
Whats system or OS to use to dev. games?

Started by October 04, 2002 01:22 PM
6 comments, last by Sindog420 21 years, 11 months ago
I currently in school right now. I want to buy a Mac but I'm not sure. Can you develop games on a Mac I heard they have the best graphics software. Like I said I'm in school right now and dont even know how to develop games yet, but I want to buy the best system for that purpose. Can you even create games on a Mac? [edited by - Sindog420 on October 4, 2002 2:31:43 PM]
Just buy a good old PC with WinXP.
I dont want to argu but WinXP has just crached 8 times since I had it. 7 times of those were done by my programming
Game programming is quite the dilema indeed.
It is difficult to say what you should do.

If you wish to do games for a living or profit
I suggest you use any PC that has the power
to program games for the "Windows" OS series.
If you wish to do games as a hobby you can use
any system you want really. I am learning to
program games in DOS myself. The reason is I
love DOS.

To be honest it''s totally up to you. You might
wish to actually research tools and such needed
to make a game so you can choose what you like.
Tools might include operating systems, hardware,
special libraries and such. Also you should think
about what language you wish to program in. I suggest
C/C++. It''s easy to work with for beginners and
you can find does of code on websites to help you
understand how graphics and sound work (

I strongly recommend you start off with DOS, however
windows(Win32) is also a good choice. There are books
you can find to help you aswell. Good luck!
Develop on a later version of windows with the NT kernel. I suggest 2000 or XP; XP has all sorts of nifty bells and whistles but 2000 is tested, refined, and rock-solid.

Don''t listen to me. I''ve had too much coffee.
Yes you can create games with Mac. But if you are just learning your should stick with Windows (2000/XP). Most tutorials/books deal with windows programming.

if u want to program for the ps2 (difficult) u will want to try out linux. beware though its not for beginners
you can develop on a Mac instead of a PC very easily... in fact, Apple will even supply you with a free C++ IDE. The only real difference between developing for a Mac instead of Windows is that well, there isn''t much of a choice between Direct3D and OpenGL... you have to go OpenGl coupled with Glut. This does have its upside, cause it''ll ensure that your code will not only work on your Mac, but also on Windows and Linux, too.
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If you want to program on a Mac go with OS X. I have never programed on a Mac, but i don know that the OS is very nice, and my friends tell me it''s a excelent programming enviorment.
If you want to program for the Windows platform go with Windows 2000. It''s very stable (for a win os) and will often save you from having to restart the computer if you do someting wrong.

As for the argument of free compilers and support for all platforms. Both Mac, Win and Linux got free compilers and all of them can use GLUT, which means that as long as you go with OpenGL and GLUT you''ll be able to compile the game into a excutable that will run on all those platforms (if your compiler suports it, not all do. e.g Visual C++), as long as you don''t use someting other in your game that''s not platform independent.

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