
Dev program liscenses

Started by November 22, 2002 01:40 PM
1 comment, last by matt_j 21 years, 9 months ago
I see that most personal/standard editions of deveopment software (like MSVC or BCB) prohibits selling programs made with the software. Does an ameteur developer like me need to save around $1000 to make a few bucks off a program?

Sub-Terra Software - High quality free games and applications

The standard edition of VC++.Net is $89 at Amazon and allows selling your software, so the answer is no. Introductory and Academic editions do limit you that way, however.

Mark Fassett
Laughing Dragon Entertainment

Mark Fassett

Laughing Dragon Games

quote: Original post by LaughingD
Introductory and Academic editions do limit you that way, however.

I cannot speak for the Introductory edition, but for the Academic edition this is not true. It has no restrictions on what you can do with the software you create.

God puts an apple tree in the middle of the Garden of Eden and says, do what you like guys, oh, but don''t eat the apple. Surprise surprise, they eat it and he leaps out from behind a bush shouting "Gotcha." It wouldn''t have made any difference if they hadn''t eaten it... because if you''re dealing with somebody who has the sort of mentality which likes leaving hats on the pavement with bricks under them you know perfectly well they won''t give up. They''ll get you in the end. -- Douglas Adams
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