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turn base games-whats good about them?

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10 comments, last by TG 24 years, 2 months ago
these games that are turn base seem like from the stoneage. with "real time" being the phrase that most games use to describe themselves these days. how can these types of games still rule the market?
why cant people have their own thing? I happen to think that TBG are every bit as fun as Real time games. Final Fantasy Tactics is one of the best games i have ever played.

You question is like asking..."Why do you like chess when you can play basketball?" It doesnt make any sense.

*grins* Well put Firahs!

I would have said something like:
"Why don''t we change the rules of chess, so that whoever moves his pieces the fastest wins!"

Turn-based is lovely, I really enjoy playing those relaxed-pace games

#pragma DWIM // Do What I Mean!
~ Mad Keith ~
**I use Software Mode**
It's only funny 'till someone gets hurt.And then it's just hilarious.Unless it's you.
What''s the difference between turn-based stratagy and real-time stratagy? It''s stratagy! Sure you might have to think some in an RTS game, but usualy once you get that basic best strategy figured out (which buildings and units to build and in what order) that''s it, whereas in TBS you acually have to think every time becuase they are so big, and there is so much to do (units, buildings, diplomacy, research, taxes, morale, sabotage, etc.). I only wish there where more TBS games coming out, seems like RTS has pretty much taken over. And since when do turn-based games rule the market, other than RollerCoaster Tycoon (that is turn-based right? haven''t played it yet) the top games, both in sales and reviews are real time.
quote: Original post by Captain Corrects firahs

I would have said something like:
"Why don''t we change the rules of chess, so that whoever moves his pieces the fastest wins!"

Yours is better.

You''re an idiot TG. First of all, tbg are bad in YOUR very humble, very useless opinion. Get outta here you freak!

3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!
ouch, nice flamers, u could burn a forrest with those

i actually just wanted to know what was good about then,and what new stuff made it good, i didn''t excacly say they sucked or were bad concepts. some of then are pretty good. wow this place is full of negative people

"And since when do turn-based games rule the market"
a while back i believe civilization call to power(a tbg) was one of the top 10 sellers

hey fredric who are u to say im an idiot, who knows, u migth be the idiot or worse
I have to say that if people like Turn based games, then it''s good that some companies are creating games for them. People have their own opinions. My own opinion is that Turn based games are as boring as hell, but I don''t think they shouldn''t exist. No-one''s forcing me to buy any TBS games, so I won''t buy them. Simple?

"Born of a Broken Man, but not a broken man."
------------------------------"If a job's worth doing it's worth getting someone else to do it for you....."
Two different genres, I play both BTW. TBS games are great for me to relax a bit, or if I really want to think. RTS are a bit more action oriented, and need some on the spot thinking. I''d compare TBS to RTS as let''s say chess vs. a martial art.
Generally RTS are a bit easier in the long run. I''ve beaten every RTS out easily, while a TBS actually required me to save my game in a mission. Play Heroes 3 - Shadow of Death yet? Man, just when you thought you mastered the damn game, you get whooped!

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." - The Shining
heh, fredric went crazy on his ass.

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