
Build an A.I. Editor

Started by January 04, 2003 01:20 AM
13 comments, last by Codemonger 21 years, 8 months ago
I''m sure I could whip something up in VB to edit these INI files. Instead of making it a ''competition'' though, why don''t you just ask one person to write it? It''s quite a small program. I''d be willing to spend a few hours writing something up if no one else has taken on the job.

Not to sound arrogant in any way, but I''d much rather help out if I knew it would be used instead of entering it in for you guys to judge it and then never to use it.

And the game looks great, think I''ll be downloading the trial tonight.
That''s great! We are hoping to put download links to all the editors that people submit, maybe even create a rate and comments section for each download. We don''t want it to be a competition where only the best of the best goes up, we have no problem putting up programs that anyone has put some effort into. I think the competition/judging are used as a deterrant so nobody abuses winning a free game by submitting a blank template/program that doesn''t do anything(you never know) . Like I said, if you put some effort and interest in the game, we will have no problem throwing a download link, screenshots, credits, and a free game to programmers like yourself that would deserve it.

The "competition" is definately not reserved for just one person, especially because their are a host of different possibilities for an editor that someone might be interested in adding, like backing up the original settings, loading/saving new settings, creating even new tile graphics(hexes) to load, or new music tracks to add (which we have both in store)... I will probably go into more detail in the instructions area. Remember too that we are very open to anything, comments or suggestions.

Also VB would be a is an excellent choice for an editor because we have already installed VB 6 SP 5 runtime files with the game, so that would work out perfect. We would just send out your executeable and any attachment files using a setup program.


Chris Chunick
Ambient Software Inc.

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Had a little tinker around today, ''tis been a while sinse I''ve used good ''ole VB6 :-) It''ll be pretty simple, you set the directory of the game install, loads up both files, once screen handles all data (in tabs).

Couple of q''s; does the game stick the install directory in the windows registry, per-chance? And any word on when the rest of the Custom.AI description''s going up? Oh, think I''ll be using one extra control, Microsoft Tabbed Dialog, so that''ll have to distributed with it.

Anywho, best get back to ''real'' work now hehe :-P

doh, didn''t log in.

Noticed a bug in the game I downloaded - if you tab out of the game (or hit the windows key) then an automation error pops up.

Funny really, because last time I was writing DX code in VB6 I had this problem. Just need a check in the game loop that suspends your drawing functions if focus is lost.
I''ll make note of that in X-Hex forum, under bugs, I''ll add that in with the new features that will be released, which will include Teamplay. It was a feature we took out, but will now be adding it in, due to adding more replay value. Basically you team up with computer guys or a human player against whomever. Anyways its a lot of fun, if you build an editor we can accomodate any controls in a setup, the setup program we use is Inno Setup 3, it''s a free program and excellent, not very easy to use though it''s script based. I''m not sure if it uses the registry, I imagine it does, I will have to get back to you on that. Also if you are going to get this involved email me and I can unlock your game for you.
Ambient Software Inc.
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