
neural net works and fuzzy logic

Started by January 29, 2003 05:02 PM
12 comments, last by AlbertoT 21 years, 7 months ago
"In this way it should be possible to overcome the intrinsic non linearity of ANN"

I don''t know why you keep saying this. An ANN is not intrinsically non linear.
I''ve come across this before... in fact, there is quite a common, yet false, perception among undergraduates - who are taking AI for the first time - that ANNs are non-linear in their mapping from inputs to outputs. It''s easy to debunk this notion, by explaining to them a perceptron!

I''m not suggesting AlbertoT is in this same boat... just that he seems to be displaying the same misunderstanding (no offence intended Alberto).


Timkin and fup

I do not mean " linear " according to math definition .
If all the functions in an ANN, are linear, I understand that also the transfer function beetwen inputs and outputs is linear.
I mean that a realistic behaviour can not be expected , assuming, that the " reaction " of the ANN driven bot, can be proportional to the value of the relevant output.
Please see my message #1 rather than #2 , which is actually wrong.
I have read it in a demo of an old AI book by Mr Watson.
A fleet of starships were driven by an ANN.
The inputs were the usual, no of enemies, fuel etc...the outputs speed ,...etc
The author said that although one of the outputs, for example the #1 ,is associated to the speed, it would be a mistake (non realistic behaviour) to move the starships at a speed proportional to such ouput
Unfortunatly I do not own this book anymore, so I can not provide more details.
Mr Watson was wrong. An ANN can aproximate any function.

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