
Sitting in a cold room...

Started by May 17, 2000 04:18 PM
11 comments, last by Zipster 24 years, 3 months ago
Damn, trying to type and shivering to death... And for those who ask, i cant help the cold. In my current situation, if i wanna type, i gotta freeze...
what happens if you dont type then?

blah blah blah

- pouya
Every saturday morning I get that! I wake up, snoop over to my computer completely naked but wrapped in my blankets... in order to type, I have to take off half the blanket! It''s terrible!!

'I'm sorry Dave. I'm Afraid I can't let you do that...'
3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!
Have you heard of clothing? Yep, thats why people where it!

how can you sleep naked? it''s impossible (for me atleast)

- pouya
"Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us"
Sleeping naked is essential, you can''t wear clothes to bed, that''s just stupid.

However, you should get dressed before you do anything else, Fredric.

Zipster: Turn the heating up or move your computer to a nice warm room.


"Who says computer games affect kids, imagine if PacMan affected us as kids, we'd all sit around in a darkened room munching pills and listening to repetitive music....uh oh!"

George. F"Who says computer games affect kids, imagine if PacMan affected us as kids, we'd all sit around in a darkened room munching pills and listening to repetitive music....uh oh!"
*lol* fun to read about Fredrics and youre guys morning habits ...hehehe what a subject!

Now you know what it is like in my basement. If i am on the computer more than an hour and a half, my hands get so cold that i can barely bend my fingers.

I guess that is what you get for living in canada...
Yeah, typing in a cold room sucks... My hands always used to freeze in the winter to the point where I was half-considering getting a pair of "programming gloves" : )

I haven''t done so yet, but I may well consider it if I can find a pair of thin enough gloves which still insulate enough that they''d be useful.

-- EMail: AIM: SeigfriedH
How can you sleep naked? I always put on some underwear. And even if it''s hot like hell in my room, I''m always freezing cold when I wake up...
---Mikael Lax

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