
Question: path finding, A*

Started by February 21, 2003 01:41 PM
4 comments, last by dracoon 21 years, 6 months ago
Hello! I need to find the shortest path between two points. I know there are many docs about it, but I havent found a simple and understandable documentation or source codes about the subject. I ve heard about A* too. Any notes, source codes etc. are welcome! Drakon
Hello, A* is probably the best algorithm for path finding, so it''s better to get used with it. All articles i''ve seen so far about path finding they all explain it with tiles, so if you''re using tiles you''ll feel at home reading them. Path finding is also possible without using tiles, you could simple have a 3D map with path nodes which are points used for path finding, in case you have nothing you''ll have to to path finding with arbitrary 3D geometry wich is an hard task. All you need is here: and

Good luck.
There are a TON of A* resources in the Articles & Resources section above. I don''t understand why people don''t see that.

Dave Mark - President and Lead Designer of Intrinsic Algorithm LLC
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Author of the book, Behavioral Mathematics for Game AI
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"Reducing the world to mathematical equations!"

Rambo: Thx, I''ll look those web sites. Well, I dont have tiles in my project... so I should force coords to tiles or... :D

Inno: I have seen all "Articles" about it, thank you very much.
Well, I would be happy with a source of a path finding algorithm, for a ten by ten matrix where 0''s are the clear path and 1''s are the obstacles. The algorithm should tell how can i move from one coord to another in that matrix.

Amit Patel''s A* pages are the best I''ve seen.

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