
Why isn't my Pathfinder working?

Started by February 21, 2003 10:46 PM
-1 comments, last by starstriker1 21 years, 6 months ago
I read up on A* and set up some code. However, it doesn''t work. The bots don''t even choose the right target. I''m not sure if its just little oversights on my part, or if my whole setup is screwed, but I''m sure you guys, with programming experience far beyond me (notice the ass-kissing) can show me what I''m doing wrong. Heres the code:

bool Pathfinder(SHIP_PLAYER_FIGHTER_STATHOLDER *ship, int x, int y)
//Pathfinding step for AI
//x and y are absolute, not tile coordinates
//It sets the wnted position on the ship.
int count, count2, count3, count4;
bool found; //bool for when target is found
x = x / 16;
y = y / 16;
int my_x = ship->x / 16;
int my_y = ship->y / 16;

int curcount = 1; //The current distance being checked

//First Step: Set arrays
for(count = 0; count < map_size * 1024 / 16; count++)
for(count2 = 0; count2 < map_size * 768 / 16; count2++)
//If it is or is near a wall, make it off limits
if(Walls[count][count2].type > 0)
	AIPath[count][count2] = 30000;
	AIPath[count][count2] = -1;

AIChecked[count][count2] = false;

//Set the target cell to 0
AIPath[x][y] = 0;

//Assign distance values
//Step 1
//provide known values
for(count = -1; count < 2; count++)
for(count2 = -1; count2 < 2; count2++)
	//set up areas to be checked for first pass
	AIChecked[x + count][y + count2] = true;

	//Cycle through all unchecked tiles
	for(count = x - curcount; count < x + curcount + 1; count++)
		for(count2 = y - curcount; count2 < y + curcount + 1; count2++)
				//This tile should be checked
				//Lets get to it
				if(AIPath[count][count2] < 30000)//if not a wall
					if(AIPath[count][count2] == 0)
						found = true;
					AIPath[count][count2] = curcount; //Set its distance value
					AIChecked[count][count2] = false;

					//Set everything around it as checked
					for(count3 = -1; count3 < 2; count3++)
						for(count4 = -1; count4 < 2; count4++)
								//set up areas to be checked for first pass
								AIChecked[count + count3][count2 + count4] = true;

//Final step: determine which way to go.

for(count3 = 0; count3 < 5; count3++)
for(count = -1; count < 2; count++)
for(count2 = -1; count2 < 2; count2++)
	//set up areas to be checked for first pass
	if(AIPath[my_x + count][my_y + count2] <= curcount)
		my_x = my_x + count;
		my_y = my_y + count2;
		curcount = AIPath[my_x + count][my_y + count2];

ship->AI.want_x = my_x * 16;
ship->AI.want_y = my_y * 16;

Any help would be appreciated.

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