
Free Model Texturer

Started by March 15, 2003 07:31 AM
5 comments, last by aramstudios 21 years, 6 months ago
I need to get some texturing software, but right now I''m not too big for paying. No, I''m not looking for a demo. I want a full fledged one... now, I know there might not be a ton of these... but someone help me out! Death Smiles Upon Us All... All We Can Do Is Smile Back...
_______________________Dancing Monkey Studios
If you buy a Wacom you get Photoshop 5LE and Painter 5LE.. that''s what I use.

Lamont G.
CG Artist
San Diego CA
Lamont G.
How can I use those to texture each face though?

Death Smiles Upon Us All... All We Can Do Is Smile Back...
_______________________Dancing Monkey Studios
textures can be created using any 2d graphics software package. The industry standard is Photoshop but its not free.

The Gimp ( is about the best freware/open source alternative. You can do just about anything you can do with Photoshop.
If you have 25 dollars you could get milkshape, otherwise I don''t think there are any.

-~-The Cow of Darkness-~-
-~-The Cow of Darkness-~-
are you looking for a 2D app to draw your own textures, or a 3D app to actually apply the textures?
Photoshop, Painter, Gimp, Paint Shop Pro...etc... There are tons of drawing programs capable of making textures, along with tons of free textures on the web.
If you''re after 3D, what program did you use to make your models? Most 3D apps are capable of texturing the models.
Give Blender a shot. It has UV mapping, you can texture each polygon one by one if that''s what you want, or it has a ''paint'' mode that lets you paint right onto your model like it''s a statue.
Best of all it''s free. But I''d suggest finding version 2.23, it''s the most stable.
Blender''s screwed over... It won''t allow me to import even .3ds files! PLUS, it is so user UN-friendly that I fealt like dropping a MOAB on whoever made it. Oh well... let that out. Yeah, Blender doesn''t work.

Death Smiles Upon Us All... All We Can Do Is Smile Back...
_______________________Dancing Monkey Studios

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