
ai test

Started by March 18, 2003 01:23 PM
0 comments, last by mstein 21 years, 5 months ago
I have just recently completed the majority portion of a small game I made using OpenGL and GLUT. I chose to make Chinese Checkers because one: I can actually complete it, and two: I was just getting back into OpenGL programming and needed a primer of sorts. Anyhow, while the game is primarily complete, one thing I have not done is the AI for the computer players. I was wondering, and I hope none of you take this the wrong way, but I really am not interested in developing a very sophistacted AI for this game, so i was seeing if any of you have general AI solutions that you would perhaps want to see if you could make more specialized for my game. I could give you the specs of the class that holds the Board information and given a pointer to the current board object, you could create a function that would choose the row and column of the best available move. We could even make it a contest of sorts, see who could create the best (combination of speed and intelligence, even I know how to brute force my way to a good solution) AI for the game. Let me know what you all think . . . .and i want to reiterate, this is for my personal use, if anything ever happens with it, I would give you credit, or take your contribution to the game out, this is not for a class or work, and you will not be doing my work for me.
mstein, this sort of request is better suited to the Help Wanted forum. While this is certainly a forum for game AI, most people contributing here have their own projects going and not much time to work on someone elses. Those members who frequent Help Wanted would be probably have more time.



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