
2d-animation software?

Started by April 05, 2003 01:26 AM
13 comments, last by sunandshadow 21 years, 5 months ago
Simple question: What software would you use to make a 2-d animated movie? Basically, compiling an .avi file from individual drawings, preferably with multiple layers allowed and a simple way to time background scrolling and other changes. Would you use Flash, or what? ____________________________ "Have come to the conclusion that fandom is not a hobby for all but rather a combination non-competitive sport/full-contact tea party. Only, like, the Mad Hatter''s tea party, and the Dormouse is totally hitting on the March Hare." --Ins, livejournal entry

I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.

Sounds like flash would do it. But from what you said, you could accomplish the same thing in Blender.

Just texture some quads and you can achieve the same thing only it won''t cost you $300-$400 bucks.
Well, your best shot is actually probably going to be an animated gif, rather than an AVI.
(To other Programmers - "Layered AVI" -Chuckle Chuckle-)
Ok, I''m sorry. Hey, the first time I worked w/ something like this, I had some crazy ideas too. Don''t let me get you down...
Anyway, yes... ahem
Well, It usually depends what kind of language and compiler you''re using, but you can usually find code or plugins or what have you out on the web for playing back animated gifs.
Since they can be transparent, and animated at the same time, this solves quite a few of your problems, as well as disk space
There are several free animated gif creator/editor software titles out there; I personally use the "Active GIF Creator (aka Alchemy GIF Animator)
You can find info here:
Now, there are many things involved in using animated gif sequences, but It isn''t that hard to nail.
Erm, we're trying to make a small movie here, with a sound track and everything. Acceptable file formats would be .mpg , .avi, or .asf , but certainly not .gif . The layers don't have to exist in the final format, we just need to be able to move layers separately during production, because it would be incredibly annoying to have to assemble every frame in photoshop beforehand.

The movie is not for a game, so we're not using any kind of programming language or compiler.

[edited by - sunandshadow on April 5, 2003 2:59:01 AM]

I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.

If you do want to do this hand drawn, there are a couple ways to go about it.

In the simplest form, if you have all the images, you can use any program that can read an image sequence (IE, a JPEG sequence). Image sequences are basically just image0001.jpg image0002.jpg etc. Programs like After Effects can create a movie out of an image sequence by just opening the first of the series of images and telling it to look for the rest of the sequence. Then you''ll have your movie

Also, the great thing about After Effects is that you can add in your background scrolling elements etc after you load in that image sequence. After effects is... kind of like photoshop over time (Flash is to Illustrator as After Effects is to Photoshop)

I know programs like Flash and Director are also good for this - but then, you''ll have somethign that looks like it was made in flash or director!!
- T. Wade Murphy
Oh, and I wish the entire world would finally switch to .MOV

Such a wonderful little file architecture....
- T. Wade Murphy
I''v also wondered how all 2d animations are done. Obviously you can use character animation tools and render as cartoon look, but that''s actually making 3d.
Then I''v heard about Cell-Action 2D animation tool (for example my favourite "The Big Knights" is done with this).

I wonder if there are modelling/animation programs like those 3d programs, but in 2d only?

You could still do all of that in Blender and then export to raw AVI, pull that into Adobe Premeire or somethingl like that.

If you got a big budget for this, then you should check Toonz from SoftImage. Its not cheap and it take a while to get used to, but it could do everything you need in one package.
As I mentioned before, if it''s your first time doing animation, I think you''ll definitely have a better time with Flash or Director.
Because of the layer thing it becomes trivial to have a background scrolling to give the impression of movement.
With a cleverly drawn background, you can give the impression of the camera panning.
Definitely your best bet for a start.
Of course if you were a design student I would suggest something different, but right now if you dont want to wreck your head and get a nice quick prototype, Flash would give you the best results.

Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !
-----------------------------Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !
I've never used it but I understand Pro Motion from Cosmigo is a good tool for 2D animation.

[edited by - jhocking on April 11, 2003 11:50:41 AM]

-Joe Hocking | newArteest
Intro book for programmers: Unity in Action

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