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Lua code explained

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-1 comments, last by Woody FX 21 years, 2 months ago
This code is a lua script i''m trying to work on i have commented it as much as i understand... There are a few functions at the bottom which i think are from the actual VC++ part of the project (i could be wrong). But if i have anything wrong please let me know as i am still learning.

BarCode = {}  -- does this just sign nothing to Barcode.... like int i=0; for example just initialising it as a variable
Description = {}
Vendor = {}
Basis_price = {}
j = 0; i = 0
	transfer = readfrom ( "Stock type.txt", "r")  --** if you used w+ instead of r it should remove previous data read command to read from file
	read ()                                       -- reads in next line so first line in file is skipped before get to repaet command                          
repeat                                                 -- ***** Repeat until command
	line = read ()           -- copys the next line in file in line which becomes a string
	i = i + 1		-- increments i by one	
	if line ~= nil then    -- if the line does not contain nil (nothing)
		barcode = strsub ( line, 1, 16 )  -- copies substring of ''line'' from position 1 to 16 into barcode
		describe = strsub ( line, 17, 58 ) -- describe is the sustring of ''line'' from 17-58
		pos = strfind ( describe, "  " )  -- finds the first white space in the string describe and stores its position in ''pos''
		describe = strsub ( describe, 1, pos )
		location = strsub ( describe, pos )      -- location holds data from pos to end of string
                        if strfind ( location, "(%w)" ) ~= nil then    --** (%W) looks for a alphanumeric char if some
			start, Eend = strfind ( location, "(%w)" )     -- characters found then start and end =
			MessageBox ( "start "..start )                 -- prints message to screen
			MessageBox ( "end "..Eend )
		end                          -- ends the then                                
		if barcode ~= "" or barcode ~= nil then              --  if  barcode found i.e. not nil or empty string
			j = j + 1
			stock_acno = CreateAccount ( "700 *", describe, 0.00, "" )    -- function
			SetStockHeaderBasisPrice ( stock_acno, 0.00, 0.00 )	      -- function
			GetHeaderDataForAccount ( stock_acno )			      -- function

			SetHeaderStringNo ( 10, barcode )				--function
			SaveHeaderData ()						--function
		read ( "*l" )   reads in the next line ... exact same as saying  read()

until i == 5 
MessageBox ( "End" )--

Thanks Brian

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