
Some legal stuffs

Started by April 18, 2003 07:13 PM
1 comment, last by yanuart 21 years, 4 months ago
I just wondering about some legal stuff here.. is it okay if I use a very well known character/figure such as smiley/happy face in my commercial game ?? I don''t know if it licensed allready or not.. I hope not..
Ride the thrill of your life
Play Motorama
As always you need to talk to a lawyer, not a bunch of strangers on a forum who have no legal credentials.

Having said that I would venture to suggest that the smiley face is probably public domain. The image came out of the 60''s summer of love. Someone obviously came up with it first and they own the copyright but I expect they put it in the public domain as "ownership" wasn''t a big thing back then. Also they were probably so zonked on LSD that they don''t remember (hell they probably still don''t remember their own name).

Dan Marchant
Obscure Productions
Dan Marchant - Business Development Consultant
In case anyone actually cares.....

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