
I'm back... and a daddy too!

Started by May 11, 2003 07:20 PM
20 comments, last by Timkin 21 years, 3 months ago
My apologies for my absence and silence of late... I''ve been looking after my wife and my newborn baby daughter. Emma Dawn Elizabeth Wilkin was born at 00:08 am on Monday 28th April. She was a healthy 3.65 kg (8lb2oz) and 53cm at birth, although she''s growing fast now! I''ve spent the past two weeks at home helping her to settle in... and now I''m back at work... which means I''ll have some time each day to read the forums again! On a side note, Geta: my sincere apologies for not sending those papers to you... I hope you can understand I''ve had some important distractions... if you email me a postal address, I can send you hard copies (since I don''t have electronic copies any more) if you''re still interested in them. Cheers, Timkin
~~~~~Screaming Statue Software. | OpenGL FontLibWhy does Data talk to the computer? Surely he's Wi-Fi enabled... - phaseburn
Congratulations, DAD!
"Let me just ejaculate some ideas"
Nice! Hope you still find some time to lecture, erm -- I mean, share your knowledge with us

And while we''re off topic, are you still working at the hospital (or medical center; I don''t remember)? It''d be convenient, with a new baby.


Congratulations! Enjoy!
[size="2"]I like the Walrus best.
happy mothers day to the lady!! =o)

From experience, you''ll drop off in a few weeks, and won''t be back for three years or so. (More if you repeat the mistake)
I`ve tried many times before to imagine what it would be like to be a father. Me being 19, becoming a dad seems like it would be a drag. But EVERYONE guy I have talked to, without exception, has said that becoming a father was the best thing that ever happened to them.

Congratulations, and good luck to a new life with your new daughter!
--------------------------------ore ga shindara...ja..sasukene~~!
Does the moderator status get passed on by blood like US citizenship?

Congrats!!! Any photo''s yet? :D

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