
Full spectrum warrior AI

Started by May 17, 2003 03:51 AM
2 comments, last by UlfLivoff 21 years, 3 months ago
Hello Geta, I now see that Full Spectrum Warrior is starting to get attention... congrats! Although I'm thrilled by the project, it's also sad, because you're doing exactly what I thought was so groundbraking in my AI master thesis hmmm. guess I have to buy an x-box now... I have a couple of questions: 1. Does the game cover other aspects of war than urban warfare ? 2. Does every infantryman have a behaviour equivalent to full bootcamp training? 3. is the system tutorial-based training or is it just learning by doing? 4.Is there some info you can give on the system other than what's on the website?? ( 5. is there any papers/litterature-list regarding the project that you can share? (e-mail: As you might remember, I'm implementing 'full' bootcamp training in an AI as an university project in cooperation with the danish defense. (as mentioned in my thread "artificial behaviour - not AI" ) At this stage AI's can act out complex group behaviour - Example: The AI squadleader can coordinate a by-the-book ambush by issuing commands, getting feedback from the soldiers etc. I have a VERY early draft of a poster presenting the project here: I just made it to experiment with the layout, so there's probable errors in the text etc. suggestions and corrections are welcome! If there's any questions regarding my project - just post them here, and I'll try to answer them. (excuse my spelling errors - english is not my native language) Ulf [edited by - UlfLivoff on May 17, 2003 5:13:10 AM]
quote: Original post by UlfLivoff
Hello Geta,

I now see that Full Spectrum Warrior is starting to get attention... congrats!

Thanks, but I worked on Full Spectrum Command which was the company commander''s version of the simulations developed for the US Army. It is referred to in the links off of Pandemic''s web page under the name CS-12 as well as Full Spectrum Command . I designed and built the AI for FSC not for FSW. I really know very little about FSW, other than the AI guys for FSW asked me a few questions at the begining (2 years ago) of the project, looked at my design notes, and then did their own thing. They never shared anything they did in FSW with me.


well, ok - but could I ask the same questions about Full Spectrum Command, then

As far as I can see, it simulates urban warfare as well...

quote: Original post by UlfLivoff
well, ok - but could I ask the same questions about Full Spectrum Command, then

As far as I can see, it simulates urban warfare as well...


Yes you can, unfortunately I have been asked to not provide detailed information about FSC to the public at this time.

I can refer you to the same links for FSW, and to google, whereby you can obtain public information on FSC. I will answer your questions as best I can, while respecting the wishes of the US Army.

1) No.
2) Cannot confirm or deny.
3) Cannot confirm or deny.
4) No.
5) No.

Maybe in a few months or more, we will be allowed to provide more details, but this is the best I can do at this time.



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