
absolute newbie...

Started by May 19, 2003 01:58 PM
2 comments, last by yodaman 21 years, 3 months ago
Hiya Im currently working on a 3d game engine and I was planing on making all AI scripted... Each type will use its own base class the script would just further upon it. Anyway, I really have no idea about how AI works but I do have a basic understanding of some things like path finding, Im going to implement a way point system wich then the entity''s will travel along (like a non interactive demo?). If any one can explain what AI really does and works i would be very greatful! Thanx ~yodaman
quote: Original post by yodaman
If any one can explain what AI really does
and works i would be very greatful!

That''s not terribly far from asking "if anyone can explain what a computer really does and works..."

The answer is:
"It does things that look smart in the way you tell it to."

If you are going to need a better answer to your question, it will take a few volumes... or a more focused question.

Dave Mark - President and Lead Designer of Intrinsic Algorithm LLC
Professional consultant on game AI, mathematical modeling, simulation modeling
Co-founder and 10 year advisor of the GDC AI Summit
Author of the book, Behavioral Mathematics for Game AI
Blogs I write:
IA News - What's happening at IA | IA on AI - AI news and notes | Post-Play'em - Observations on AI of games I play

"Reducing the world to mathematical equations!"

Yea, that was a dumb thing to say

I quess what I wanted to know is how might you go about handling all of this AI. Again, im making everything scripted. Where though might you draw a line between whats script and whats hard coded? I figure that hard code may include core functionaility
like how to move and set animation states, react to maybe a collision responce, follow way point paths, etc. The script would handle what the entitys do and know how to play different games, like in ut2003 you have deathmatch, CTF, etc. The charactors know thier role and know how and what to do in order to complete thier task... If you have the flag, your teamates (bots) will defend you while your enimmies will try an kill you.

So, is ai then basicly just depends on the game and the rules of the game. In an rpg (without fighting screens), you have misc dudes chasing you trying to kill you, rpg ai seems the most simple to me. FPS games, racing games, sports genres etc, all
have very different AI, so basicly the AI is what makes the game
it would seem.

Well, I think I basicly got the idea behind AI, but what tpes of systems are commonly used to handle it? Ive read things before
on nurel nets(dont know how to spell it ...

Thanx a lot

Oh I also wanted to ask about the relationship between collision detection and AI path finding... Im going to be using octrees for everything. It would seem to me that collision detection and AI have a close connection in that they both need to check the octree nodes to test for possible collisions, if there were objects there, obviously a collision would occure and you couldnt get to your destination if your stoped by a wall. Does anyone know where I might be able to find an article that would explain how you might make a good interface for the two?


[edited by - yodaman on May 20, 2003 2:43:01 AM]

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