
Publishing + advice

Started by June 08, 2003 01:01 PM
-1 comments, last by niolan 21 years, 3 months ago
Hello, My name is Nielsen Scheerlinck and I''m the owner of the media company called Niolan Entertainment. We are a media company that is currently producing DVD movies and docu''s. We are currently also filming our first movie for the theaters starring Juvenile and Too Short. Producing 4 3D animated series. And we distribute all these product ourselves. So now the times has come to get into the videogame business. We are looking for interesting titles to distribute for PC and consoles. We are also looking for a few people that can give us advice on how to get the games on X-Box, PS2 and gamecube. If you think that you can be of any help to us or want to give us a word of good advice then please contact me personally at Thank you very much for your time, Kind Regards, Nielsen Scheerlinck Niolan Entertainment

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