
Terminator 3 inspired question, err sort of...

Started by July 03, 2003 12:39 AM
32 comments, last by Pixel_Sticks 21 years, 1 month ago
Guys,think about it.Maybe we are actually a bunch of machines created by some other creature long time before one earth.cause they have done us so perfectly,finally we were be able to take over the these machines invented a thing call internet and AI.and some machines are discussing a really scary topic on the internet.Can we create other AI which are more intelligent than us?

[edited by - jimywang on July 28, 2003 11:13:01 PM]
T3 robots?

Robots don''t kill people, people kill people . The only robots
that we''ll have to worry about are the robots that people reprogram to do malicious things. If you think writing a virus to transfer funds from a banks computer is bad, wait till some fools (/terrorists) get a hold of a few highly-autonomous everyday household biped robots.

What do you get? A small army of spec ops C3P0s with camo smeared over their golden bodies.
Oh my, I can already hear them: "Excuse me, sir, but I shall have to kill you."
Sorta on topic:

I''m building a robot now, its "brain" is an old 333mhz computer that is devoted to an AI program which sends comands to a microcontroller ala: TurnLeft(), TurnRight(), MoveForward(), ect, and recieves input from sensors on the microcontroller. The microcontroller simply decodes the command and preforms the operation and sends sensor information back to the brain.

It weighs about 15 pounds right now and is attached to the wall via long extension cord (until i get a laptop as its brain).

If i can do this with no formal training, it shouldnt be too hard for a scientist to take it 1000x farther.

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