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Why not VB is the question you should be asking

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36 comments, last by Spaghetti 23 years, 10 months ago
quote: Original post by RWarden

I''m comparing an experienced VB programmer on VB with an experienced C++ programmer on C++.

So you should have said that Either way, a lot of people in these forums are newbies or designers who may be looking to choose their first development language at this point. So the things I said may apply to them, if not to you and I

quote: Once you know what you''re doing, one language offers no real benefits in development time than the other.

Well, I''d disagree. Firstly, I go along with your point that longer, and often redundant keywords in Visual Basic slow you down. But on the other hand, some things work more quickly and with less effort required in Visual Basic, and that''s a fact. Look at the MFC ClassWizard and see all the hassle involved in mapping variables to controls etc, and worrying about all the events. In Visual Basic, all controls are equivalent to member variables, or more precisely member objects, so that is done for you. Of course, this is the price of flexibility. Neither is better, just that VB is a quicker yet more ''blunt'' tool for simpler stuff, whereas VC has total versatility. It''s still quicker to knock up a quick form with ''average'' functionality in VB than it is with MFC. If you needed ''specialised'' functionality, it would take you longer in VB as you would need to work around the limitations. But that is just where knowing the right tool for the job helps. And the right tool is BCBuilder

quote: As for comparing the syntax, BASIC syntax isn''t really easier - you follow exactly the same rules, they just have a more English-like syntax. It''s not ''easier'' to declare a variable in VB than in C++, one simply looks a bit more like normal English.

Yes, this is just about the learning curve: about capitalising on what the programmer already knows, rather than asking them to learn everything anew. Any language would work just fine with random arrangements of letters for the keywords, but it helps if they are intuitive and memorable
I have to agree with my boss when he says
"No commercial product should be made with something called BASIC"
Doesn''t sound to professional
I agree with Big B. I actually thought this post was a JOKE when I read the subject. LMAO.

"Innocent is just a nice way to say ignorant, and stupidity is ignorance with its clothes off."words of,skitzo_smurf
No commercial product should ship with crashes caused by NULL pointers and other pitfalls common to C/C++ programming, but they do... I''d much rather have an application that runs 10-20% slower but doesn''t crash, -especially- if I was doing something important such as running a business. Different languages for different purposes.
VB programs crash, sometimes they aren''t even your errors that cause the crash, they are MSes.


A wise man once said "A person with half a clue is more dangerous than a person with or without one."
-----------------------------A wise man once said "A person with half a clue is more dangerous than a person with or without one."The Micro$haft BSOD T-Shirt
Hey people,haven''t you got bored with all these VB vs C++ discussions yet?

If someone chooses to use Visual Basic then it''s his own business.
I didn''t intend to get involved in this topic but something tells me that all the C++ Big Brains really like joking on VB.

Speed difference between the two is not as monsterous as described.
Completely unnoticable in small scale applications.
Barely noticable in office and bussiness applications.
Noticable in fullscreen 2D games(5-10% i can say).
Really noticable in 3D games(enough%)

2)Easy handling
Without any doubt VB is much more easy to handle than c++.
The language structure is easier to learn and handle.
The are little things that you write in C++ that can''t be expressed in VB.
For windows applications:
I can set up a win32 app in VB, in 1/8 of the time i would do in C++(with MFC support).
If you don''t have VC++ then the portion may go to 1/12.

3)Platform Independence
90% of the computers still use Windows.
Topic is out of question.And tell me which one of you made a serious program to work in all OS''es.I''m serious about this!
I like linux but i can''t have the same flexibility i have in windows environment.I''ll be glad when linux reaches windows ease of use.And i''ll definately give it a try(in programming).
But for game programming i still don''t even think about it!
No directX-like API,no trying!

4)Microsoft behind VB
Are you serious people?
And who''s behind c++ development?Who gives you the libs and headers?Who''s dll''s are you using?
And don''t tell me you''re not Microsoft depended because you have a freeware compiler!
Or even Borland Builder.
Have you seen Borland Builder for BeOS?

Well in 2D applications with Dx7 i really see NO REASON to use c++ instead of VB.Almost same speed(with the right code exactly same speed).
Same result.In smaller time.
VB gets a point.Especially in windowed mode.
The best for making editors.

In no way would i use VB today for 3D.
But i don''t even bother to learn yet because i hope VB''s and Dx''s next versions will correct the speed problems.
I don''t learn D3D for c++ cause my graphics card doesnt allow it.
To be honest C++ gets certainly a point( for now ).

BUT,since i''m a 2D lover and a nostalgic old dog i''m making 2D games.As many people.And for 2D i choose VB.

6)"Millions of DLL''s"
if msvbvm60.dll is "millions of dll''s" for you then go back to school and do some arithmetics!
DirectX file comes ready with Dx7.
Other activeX controls and libraries are your own responsibility and not VB''s.

I don''t say VB is better than C++ or C++ is better than VB.
Both languages have their pros and cons.

But it''s really irritating to hear:
"VB is slow and big." or that VB programs crash and not because of your fault.

And if you don''t like VB just DON''T USE IT!

I know i may sound a little angry but i also know that many people that just learned a few things on C++ ,pretend themselves to be computer-wizs and tell their ignorant friends about "c++ power" and "memory managment" ,"pointers","linked lists" and "low level programming"(yes i''ve heard that too).


Here these words vilifiers and pretenders, please let me die in solitude...
C++ is low-level programming? hehehe

Its really more of an abrstraction, metaphoricallyVB is so high you can''t see the ground, whereas C++ is just on top of a building, C is standing on a chair and asm is in the quicksand, unless someone has a better metaphor.


A wise man once said "A person with half a clue is more dangerous than a person with or without one."
-----------------------------A wise man once said "A person with half a clue is more dangerous than a person with or without one."The Micro$haft BSOD T-Shirt
I agree fully with Voodoo4.

End of discussion.

No further questions your honor

Green Erick Software

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