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Lua and Lists

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3 comments, last by quasty 20 years, 1 month ago
Hi, does LUA support some sort of lists with (fast) sort and search algorithms? thanx

I''ve found out that the lua-table is the list of choice

Does anyone know a way to convert in C a std::list to a table?

What you need to do is iterate through the list and push the key and value onto the table. Indexes start at 1 in lua, so something like this should work (pseudocode wise):

lua_State *L

int i = 1;
for(somelist it=begin; it!=end; ++it)
lua_pushnumber(i); // Push index of element
lua_pushstring(it); // Or whatever datatype you want to push
lua_settable(L, -3); // Set the key/value pair to the table located three positions down from the top of the stack.

If you use Luabind it''s easy.

Say you have a class A with a list member.

class A {    list<string> values;};

Then just compile this code:

lua_State* L = lua_open();luabind::open(L);module(L)[    class_<A>("A")        .def(constructor<>())        .def_readwrite("values",&A:values,return_stl_iterator)];

Then your Lua code could look like this:

local obj = A()local t = {}for v in obj.values do    table.insert(t,v)end

Now t contains all the values of names.
wow - thanks a lot!

That works great

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