
Unlikely Scheme: An embeddable C++ scheme

Started by October 07, 2004 08:23 AM
0 comments, last by marijnh 19 years, 11 months ago
I just finished the first release candidate of my scheme interpreter. It is written in C++ and very easy to embed in C++ applications. At the moment it does not perform as well as some of the really neat scheme implementations out there, but it's getting there. I'm posting for three reasons... - I want to announce that this thing exists. It is released under the Zlib licence, which makes it free software. Everyone can use it and it would be great if this is of use to anyone. - I need someone to try and compile this with a recent microsoft compiler. I don't have visual studio, and it would be useful to know whether it can handle the code. - If anyone is interested in helping develop this or has some good ideas for it, contact me (marijn(at) The program and source code can be downloaded here.
Oh hi marijnh, that's a really interesting program you have there. I don't have visual studio or I'd gladly try and compile it. Too bad no one is posting any replies to this thread, no?

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