
A Big Thanks

Started by October 10, 2004 02:10 PM
2 comments, last by silvermace 19 years, 10 months ago
I just wanted to announce that I recently finished debugging my Virtual Machine. I can create objects, mov, push, pop, add, mul, div, mod, inc, dec...the works. My virtual machine can call host functions, play with global values, call host class functions, and run several scripts at once. I have never truly finished a project of this magnitude, and it was the people on this board that really inspired me and helped me when I started. So I wanted to throw a big thank you out there to everyone who looked at my design documents and who took the time to give me some feedback. Hopefully I will finish the compiler in a timely manner, move from DEBUG read mode in my VM (im doing getc() instead of fread() simply because I am writing the binary files by hand...), and I can let you guys take a look at it and break it apart for me :) Again, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone. This board is an inspiration and a great help. -visage
Well done! I'm stuck in a rut of coder's block right now so it's really great to hear that someone is making some progress in their projects. It's a great feeling isn't it? [smile]
Great stuff. Make sure to share your learning experiences with others here when they need similar help. :)
good stuff, i wouldn't mind taking a look :)
drop me an e-mail if you wish.

"I am a donut! Ask not how many tris/batch, but rather how many batches/frame!" -- Matthias Wloka & Richard Huddy, (GDC, DirectX 9 Performance) -- My personal website

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