
torque - can i make with it RPG Game?

Started by October 19, 2004 06:14 AM
4 comments, last by Feral 19 years, 10 months ago
Can i make with Torque Game Engine some cRPG game product ? something like Fallout with izometric camera view but everything 3D ? Can i modyfi Torque Game Engine to do that ? An if i can make Turn Based Combat ? Gratefull for any help/info. Thanks.
have you tried looking at the Torque site to get some information?
You wouldn't need to modify Torque to make an ISO 3D game with it.
Short answer: yes, you can write an isometric cRPG with Torque.
You can also create all kinds of turn-based strategy games with it.
thanks darookie for info :)

can you tell me if Torque scripting system will be good for cRPG or i must code my own ?
I only did a very short evaluation of Torque and that was some time ago. I *think* it should be sufficient. Implementing your own scripting language is - in any case - overkill. If you need a simple, yet versatile and high performance scripting language that is also supported by a broad community, use Lua. Even commercial titles (Baldur's Gate and Far Cry, to name a few) use it.

and what about Character Animation in Torque ?
Is there some stuff like in Cal3D? (or maybe i could implement Cal3D in Torque engine)
Thanks for help.
usmiech600, this might be helpful to you.

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