
SDL mouse

Started by October 19, 2004 09:25 PM
6 comments, last by sand_man 19 years, 10 months ago
Can someone please give me an example of how to poll the mouse in SDL? I thought it would work the same as the keyboard but it isn't working for me.
I have a tutorial on my website. If you haven't tried that out yet, do that first.

If you have, try to be a little more specific.
HxRender | Cornerstone SDL TutorialsCurrently picking on: Hedos, Programmer One
There's a very good example in the SDL Docs, you know. That's how I learned how to do it. I'll post an example if you geniunely can't figure it out from PnP's [great] site and the docs...but try those, first.

It's all about try, fail, try, fail, get drunk, give up, and try.
Things change.
I did look in the SDL docs but obviously i didnt look hard enough
I'm reading PnP's tutorials now.
thanks guys

Thanks to PnP Bios's tutorial I know how to use the mouse buttons. I've just spent another hour reading the SDL docs trying to understand how to find out where the mouse is when clicked.

i read this
typedef struct{  Uint8 type;  Uint8 button;  Uint8 state;  Uint16 x, y;} SDL_MouseButtonEvent;

"x, y The X/Y coordinates of the mouse at press/release time "

But all the nested structs and unions have confused me and I dont know how to access these variables.


[Edited by - sand_man on October 20, 2004 2:50:36 AM]
The SDL_Event structure contains a member of this type (SDL_MouseButtonEvent) called button.
So, to get the mouse coordinates you would use:
event.button.x or event.button.y
thanks AP
One more thing, if you're in windowed mode and you want to grab mouse coordinates JUST from the window, you can use
and the border of the window will be the limit of where you can move the mouse. If you do use this, make sure that it scales mouse x and y coordinates to the window size (I know it does this with xrel/yrel values).
Things change.
Thanks it's all working now.

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